The Productivity Commission’s Report on the Not-for-profit Sector | Ten Years On


7:45-9:00am AEST | Friday 27 November

Can’t attend in real time? You should still register: all registrants will receive a recording of the event
(Don’t forget to add an hour if you’re joining from NSW or VIC)

It is the 10th anniversary of the publication of the Productivity Commission’s comprehensive report about the Not-for-profit Sector. The report contained a raft of recommendations to reform the sector and its relationship with government and the public. It showed the way for the establishment of the ACNC, but what happened to the other recommendations? Are they still relevant? Are there new issues?

Robert Fitzgerald led the Productivity Commission Report and was then appointed inaugural chair of the ACNC Advisory Board. Robert will speak on the legacy of the report and where he sees the Sector placed at present and what the future may hold for it.

He will be joined by a panel, including Susan Pascoe, Sue Woodwood and David Crosbie to reflect on the relevance of the report and the future directions for the Sector.

Access the report

Summary of recommendations and their progress by Emeritus Professor Myles McGregor Lowndes

Teacup and Mugs

Susan Pascoe is a renowned connoisseur tea drinker and a fine judge of bespoke cups and mugs. Prior to the event you’ll have the opportunity to view Susan’s collection, from 7.45 – 8.00am AEST.

Want to show off YOUR collection? Email a pic of your most outlandish teacup (or two, or more) to (including your name and organisation) and we’ll add it to our ‘teacup tee off’ presentation. (And don’t be shy – let’s face it, you probably won’t get this opportunity again.)


Event sponsors






Location: Online via Zoom
Start Date: 27/11/2020 [add to calendar]
Start Time: 7:45am AEST
Cost: There is no cost to attend this webinar
Organiser: ACPNS