Giving statistics

Tax-deductible giving

Thanks to data from the ATO each year ACPNS looks at the amount and type of tax-deductible donations individual Australian taxpayers make and claim. In 2021-22, the total amount donated and claimed as tax-deductible donations was $4.55 billion (compared to $4.39 billion in 2020–21). Find out more in the full and summary reports below.


An Examination of Tax-Deductible Donations Made by Individual Australian Taxpayers in 2021-22

Mcgregor-Lowndes, Myles, Balczun, Marie, Williamson, Alexandra (2024) An Examination of Tax-Deductible Donations Made by Individual Australian Taxpayers in 2021-22: ACPNS Working Paper No. 78

Ancillary Funds 2021-2022

Mcgregor-Lowndes, Myles, Balczun, Marie, Williamson, Alexandra (2024) Ancillary Funds 2021-2022: ACPNS Current Issues Information Sheet 2024-2

Tax-deductible giving in 2021-22

Mcgregor-Lowndes, Myles, Balczun, Marie, Williamson, Alexandra (2024) Tax-deductible giving in 2021–22: ACPNS Current Issues Information Sheet 2024/2

Still want more? Play with the data and access previous reports

The latest tax stats occupation and postcode tool is now available.  You can also view data for a specific occupation or the broad occupation groups dating back to 2008-09. We have also made available the data by gender and age group. Are younger givers different in 2020-21 compared to ten years ago? What about women compared to men? Find out the answer to your specific question by exploring the interactive data on our tableau.

Finally, maybe you’re more interested in how public and private ancillary funds have evolved over time. We have also made this data available for you to view and interact with.

All available to explore below. Note: Works best using Firefox or Chrome. Not compatible with Apple. 

Other giving stats and data