Training and Skills with Technology

This research theme delves into the dynamic interplay between technology and skills development. The primary focus is on how technology is integrated into, and enhances, the training and skill acquisition processes in various contexts. We explore how technological advancements can be effectively harnessed to facilitate both learning and teaching in diverse educational and professional settings.

Key areas of investigation include the application of technology in workforce training, the integration of digital tools in vocational training, the role of technology in continuous professional development, and the impact of emerging technologies. This theme embraces a comprehensive view of training, encompassing on-the-job training, vocational education and training (VET), corporate training programs, and self-directed learning.

Additionally, we assess the effectiveness of technology-driven training and their implications for workforce readiness in a rapidly evolving digital economy. The theme also examines the influence of technology on the development of soft skills, such as communication and teamwork, in digital environments.

In parallel, we explore the challenges and opportunities presented by technological advancements, including issues related to digital literacy, accessibility, and the digital divide. This theme aims to provide insights into how technology can be leveraged to create more inclusive, engaging, and innovative training environments, ultimately contributing to a more skilled and adaptable workforce in the face of a national skills shortage and global technological transformation.