
Collaborate with us

One of the strengths of educational research is its diversity, and the field of educational research is acknowledging the importance of partnerships between researchers and practitioners. We cannot hope to address the challenges that face this field without collaboration between researchers, as well as more broadly with other stakeholders. A transdisciplinary research approach supports the identification of complex problems, including diverse local and scientific perceptions of those problems, linking abstract and case-specific knowledge, to develop new knowledge and practices. Through connecting practitioner and academic practices, the co-creation of theoretically sound, practical knowledge is supported.

The Digital Learning for Change research group is underpinned by a co-design model of research practice. In this, researchers will be supported by the group to build relationships with stakeholders and researchers in order to identify problems of practice and to co-design research. This research will be supported through the design and constructions of tools for research and practice and build research teams to create new knowledge shared and adapted through design principles. We will help researchers to identify appropriate funding and share their findings through writing papers and attending conferences in which they will have access to new ideas and ways of thinking about learning, which in turn can be shared with project partners.