Associate Professor Susan Fuller

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Ph.d (Queensland University of Technology)

Large areas of Australia are experiencing sustained anthropogenic pressure, environmental degradation and biodiversity loss. I am passionate about protecting our ecosystems and biodiversity through the use of interdisciplinary and innovative technological approaches in ecological research. I have a particular interest in using ecoacoustic innovations to monitor changes in ecosystem health and impacts on biodiversity. I am a level 3 Mentoring Postgraduate Supervisor and current student projects in my research group include:
  • Evolution of intra and intersexual signalling in two frog species, Litoria wilcoxii and Litoria jungguy
  • Acoustic signalling and subspecies divergence in two Australasian treecreeper species (Climacteris picumnus and Cormobates leucophaea).
  • Evaluation of faunal biodiversity in urban restoration
  • Conservation biology of threatened native olives (genus Notelaea) in southern Queensland
  • Using ecoacoustic monitoring to monitor biodiversity and guide urban development in peri-urban settings
  • An examination of the influence of landscape structure on insectivorous bats and birds in cotton
My achievements in research have been recognised by QUT in 2008 and 2015 when I have been awarded Vice-Chancellor’s Performance Awards.

Additional information

I collaborate with the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) to provide real world experience to undergraduate students in BVB311 Conservation Biology.  I am also engaged in biodiversity monitoring and ecoacoustics research at the AWC Bowra Wildlife Sanctuary. I am also collaborating with the Cotton Research Development Corporation on a research project to deliver new technologies to improve natural resources (biodiversity) on Australian cotton farms. This project funding will have important scientific benefit as well as societal outcomes as on-ground engagement with landholders will lead to improved biodiversity management in cotton dominated landscapes.
Improving the ability of the Australian cotton industry to report its sustainability performance
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Agriculture; Agroecosystem Health; Natural Resource Management