Sophie Wright-Pedersen

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HDR Candidate, Centre for Childhood Nutrition Research

Sophie Wright-Pedersen holds a Bachelor Degree of Nutrition and Dietetics (Hons) and is a PhD Candidate within QUT’s School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences. She has over four years of experience working for charitable, non-government and government organisations as a Public Health Dietitian within Wollongong and Alice Springs. Her main areas of interest include food security, healthy food environments, systems thinking and working with disadvantaged & vulnerable population groups.

Sophie’s research project at the Centre for Childhood Nutrition Research is the Kids to the Front project. Using a participatory ethnographic design the research focuses on exploring how primary-school aged children perceive food practices and factors affecting these food practices in their lives. This research aims to emphasise children’s voices whilst gaining further insight into how food practice determinants intersect, revealing windows of opportunity for developing and enhancing sustained public health strategies aimed at improving child food and nutrition outcomes.