Journal Entry

    Journal Entry

    Please respond to the questions based on your experiences since your last entry.

    Did you do anything new in your teaching work that was informed by the ABLES assessment tools/resources?

    To what degree did the ABLES assessment tools/resources support you in your curriculum planning for the selected students?

    To what degree did the ABLES assessment tools/resources support you in your choice of teaching strategies for the selected students?

    To what degree are the ABLES assessment tools/resources supporting you in collaborative decision-making (with parents, teachers, specialists and other stakeholders)?

    To what degree are you more aware of your students’ readiness to learn, in particular curriculum areas, as a result of using ABLES?

    Explain how you have used the ABLES assessment tools/resources to date

    What is not working well in using the ABLES assessment tools/resources?

    Are there any additional comments you would like to share about the ABLES assessment tools/resources?