How do you imagine the future? As our world gets increasingly complex, volatile and uncertain, we need ideas, innovative collaborations and imagination – the ability to reshape what is and conceive, create, and design things that don’t yet exist. The Centre provokes, challenges and questions the status quo, with our vision and mission to reimagine and redesign the future.
A collaborative, trans-disciplinary community of designers, engineers, roboticists, creative thinkers, makers, artists, health practitioners and innovators, QUT Design Lab members work together to speculate, imagine, design, and innovate. We act as a catalyst for new thinking, and dissolve boundaries between disciplines. We transform ideas into tangible design artifacts, images, spaces, interactions and processes. We ask how tools, methods and approaches from design and creative practice foster world-changing ideas and innovation in different settings – industry, manufacturing, healthcare, public spaces, and urban and regional places and create, test, and deploy prototypes with collaborators across industry, government, and community. Our imaginative, thought-provoking and high impact research addresses real-world challenges at the nexus of design, technology, creativity, place, and health in three key areas: Emerging Technologies, Design for Health, and Mobility Futures.
Our mission is “Change by Design.”
How to find us on Campus