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Number and Algebra
Spending the Lotto millions!
AC content descriptors: ACMNA073, ACMNA079
Students will apply standard and non-standard partitioning to seven-digit numbers. They will apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least tens of thousands to assist calculations and solve problems. They will recognise that the place-value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths and make connections between fractions and decimal notation.
Act it out
AC content descriptors: ACMNA074, ACMNA075, ACMNA076, ACMNA081, ACMNA082
Students will revise and extend fluency of recall of the 10× facts, solve multiplication and division problems and describe and continue patterns created from multiplication
How many quads?
AC content descriptors: ACMNA074, ACMNA075, ACMNA076, ACMNA081, ACMNA082
Students will revise and extend fluency of recall of the 4× facts, solve multiplication and division problems and describe and continue patterns created from multiplication.
Left overs
AC content descriptors: ACMNA077, ACMNA078
Students will investigate the relative position of numbers by modelling fractional numbers between whole numbers, represent linear models of fractions along number lines and use these models to count by quarters, halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals, and solve simple fraction addition problems.
Walking the rope
AC content descriptors: ACMNA077, ACMNA078
Students will develop an understanding of the proportion and relationships between fractions in the third, sixth and ninth family. They will represent fractions using linear models and symbols and form a generalisation about fractions equivalent to one whole.
Tuckshop orders
AC content descriptor: ACMNA080
Students will make calculations with money and solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies.
Measurement and Geometry
How long is a foot?
AC content descriptor: ACMMG084
Students will measure and compare objects using an informal measurement instrument for length and measure lengths and distances using scaled instruments.
Make your own ruler
AC content descriptor: ACMMG084
Students will measure and compare lengths using an informal instrument and then identify formal and metric units of length. They will use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths.
My town
AC content descriptor: ACMMG090
Students will use everyday language to give directions, follow directions to locate positions on maps and draw plans from a bird’s-eye view. They will use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic maps.
Symmetry hunt
AC content descriptor: ACMMG091
Students will investigate flip, slide and turn symmetry, identify symmetry in the environment and understand some objects have more than one line of symmetry. They will create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes with and without digital technologies.