The following two basic mathematics booklets and eight sets of virtual materials (54 PowerPoint slides) were produced as material to support Indigenous students completing a variety of vocational certificates at Shalom Christian College and Wadja Wadja High School.
Basic Maths Booklet VB1
Basic Maths Booklet VB1: Mathematics behind Whole Number Place Value and Operations (PDF, 1.2MB)
This VB1 booklet looks at two- and three-digit whole numbers in terms of numeration, addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division. It focuses on concepts and strategies associated with viewing number in separated or place value terms. Virtual materials for use with this booklet are provided below under the headings: Bundling Sticks, MAB and Virtual Finance.
Virt1 Bundling Sticks (7 PowerPoint files)
The Bundling Sticks virtual materials help students relate visual materials to language and symbols. They are also designed to strengthen students’ understanding of place value. As students progress through these activities the complexity increases from an understanding of language-symbols-materials to applying it in simple addition situations moving on to more complex division scenarios.
BS1-Place-Value-Materials-to-Language BS2-Place-Value-Materials-to-Symbols BS3A-Operations-Addition BS3B-Operations-Subtraction BS4A-Operations-Multiplication BS4B-Operations-Division BS5-Operations-Additive-Subtraction
Virt2 MAB (7 PowerPoint files)
The MAB virtual materials are designed to help students relate real materials to language and to symbols. Once students have developed their understanding of this abstract idea, they move on to simple and complex mathematical questions to reinforce this understanding and see how maths is really evident in the real world.
MAB1-Place-Value-Materials-to-Language MAB2-Place-Value-Materials-to-Symbols MAB3A-Operations-Addition MAB3B-Operations-Subtraction MAB4A-Operations-Multiplication MAB4B-Operations-Division MAB5-Operations-Additive-Subtraction
Virt3 Virtual Finance (11 PowerPoint files)
These materials are designed to equip students with the ability to relate money (material) to the language and symbolic ($10, etc.) representation of it. The materials then continue on with practical applications of money that students would come across in the real world.
VFA-1A-Place-Value-Language-to-Materials VFA-1B-Place-Value-Materials-to-Language VFA-2A-Place-Value-Symbols-to-Materials VFA-2B-Place-Value-Materials-to-Symbols VFA-3A-Operations-Addition VFA-3B-Operations-Subtraction VFA-4-Operations-Shopkeeper-Subtraction VFA-5A-Operations-Multiplication VFA-5B-Operations-Multiplication-and-Subtraction VFA-6A-Operations-Division VFA-6B-Operations-Division-and-Subtraction
Basic Maths Booklet VB2
Basic Maths Booklet VB2: Mathematics behind Whole Number Numeration and Operations (PDF, 1.4 MB)
This VB2 booklet looks at two- and three-digit whole numbers in terms of numeration, addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division. It focuses on concepts and strategies associated with a variety of models and materials (99 board, number line, arrays and digit cards on place value charts) that were not included in VB1 – seeing number in a number line/rank way (99 board, number line) as well as a place value/separated way (digit cards on place value charts). Number is also seen in a multiplicative way (arrays and digit cards). Virtual materials for use with this book are provided below under the headings: 99 Board, Number Line, Array, Multiplicative Structure and Decimal Money.
Virt4 99 Board (8 PowerPoint files)
Using a 10×10 board with the numbers 0-99, the 99 Board virtual materials are designed to help students locate and understand different properties of numbers and begin to develop an understanding of how numbers are related to each other.
99Board1-Reading 99Board2-Patterns 99Board3-Place-Value 99Board4-Seriation 99Board5-Comparing-&-Ordering 99Board6-Addition 99Board7-Subtraction 99Board8-Additive-Subtraction
Virt5 Number Line (9 PowerPoint files)
These materials use number lines to demonstrate to students the way numbers are connected, and how we can use number lines to reinforce understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Blank-Number-Lines Number-Line1-Reading Number-Line2-Positioning Number-Line3-Rounding Number-Line4-Addition Number-Line5-Subtraction Number-Line6-Additive-Subtraction Number-Line7-Multiplication Number-Line8-Division
Virt6 Array (7 PowerPoint files)
The Array virtual materials are designed to help students relate different objects set in arrays (rows and columns) into mathematical concepts. The concepts that these focus on are multiplication and division. The materials are designed to help students deepen their understanding of the reversibility of numbers and the links between numbers with a similar factor, for example 5 × 4 + 4 × 2 = 4 (5 + 2).
Array1-Multiplication-reading Array2-Multiplication-matching Array3-Multiplication-creating Array4-Multiplication-computation Array5-Division-reading Array6-Division-matching Array7-Division-creating
Virt7 Multiplicative Structure (1 PowerPoint file)
This virtual material helps students understand the decimal system we use and focuses on multiplying and dividing by factors of 10.
Virt8 Decimal Money (4 PowerPoint files)
This is a practical set of questions that are interactive and enable students to answer questions they would come across in the real world with money. The questions are specifically designed to bring in the concept of decimal places.
Decimal Money1-Numeration Decimal Money2-Addition-and-Subtraction Decimal Money3-Multiplication Decimal Money4-Division