Prior to the foundation of the YuMi Deadly Centre in late 2009, projects involving YDC researchers have studied and developed theory about the way students learn, and approaches and resources that support student learning. As part of these projects, resources were developed for students as well as teachers.
The resources in this section include:
- a book of cognitive diagnostic assessment tasks (CDAT) to ascertain students’ understanding of concepts and processes in whole number, fractions and probability
- a set of algebra books developed for Indigenous primary and secondary students using an approach to maths learning called Maths as Story Telling (MAST)
- a set of finance booklets and virtual manipulatives that use money activities to reteach and reinforce students’ understandings of number and operations
- a book of interview-based diagnostic assessment tasks for measurement at Prep to Year 6 level
- a set of measurement booklets and PowerPoint files using measurement games and activities to teach number and operations
- two geometry resources using modulo art and tangrams
- five older books written in the late 1980s containing ideas for teaching ratio, proportion and percentage; measurement; geometry; problem solving; and statistics and probability.
Click on the links below to access the resources and further information.
Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Tasks – CDAT (1 PDF file)
Number – MAST (8 PDF files)
Number and operations – finance and virtual manipulatives (3 PDF and 11 PowerPoint files)
Number – ratio, proportion and percentage (1 PDF file)
Measurement (4 PDF and 9 PowerPoint files)
Geometry (2 PDF file and 1 PowerPoint file)
Problem solving (1 PDF file)
Statistics and probability (1 PDF file)
Resources developed by the YuMi Deadly Centre, Queensland University of Technology are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA) Licence.
©YuMi Deadly Centre, Queensland University of Technology