We are sad to advise that Professor Tom Cooper, Director of the YuMi Deadly Centre at QUT, will be retiring on 30 September this year. With his retirement and for other operational reasons, QUT has decided to close the YuMi Deadly Centre at the end of the year.
The centre will honour all current projects that are due to finish at the end of this year (2019). Our passionate YDC staff are fully committed to delivering these projects to our partner schools.
Since YDC’s foundation in 2009, the centre has been successful in receiving funding to apply the YuMi Deadly Maths approach to build capacity of schools in mathematics teaching and learning for all students, particularly Indigenous and low-SES students and schools.
We would like to thank all YDC’s partner schools and organisations for their support and continued commitment to improving mathematics teaching and learning for the betterment of education. It has been an absolute pleasure to have the opportunity to partner with such committed educators. We sincerely acknowledge the excellent work that you have undertaken in enhancing mathematics outcomes for all students, in particular Indigenous and low-SES students.
After 36 years of dedicated work in mathematics education at QUT, including 10 years with YDC, the time is right for Tom to retire. He is looking forward to the next stage of life with his family and grandchildren. Tom’s passion for mathematics and for improving teaching and learning will always remain with him.
As mentioned, all current projects will continue until the end of their agreement. YDC staff will maintain contact with all current partner schools and organisations as normal until these projects are finalised.
The YDC website and Blackboard will remain active throughout 2019. Please download all materials and resources you require before the end of the year.
Tom and the staff of YDC wish you all the best for the future and once again thank you for your support.