Teaching mathematics to students with disability

Professor Tom Cooper delighted attendees at Down Syndrome Queensland’s annual Endless Possibilities conference in March with his workshop on teaching mathematics to students with disability.

“Really learned about kinaesthetic mathematics which was great – he has a great sense of humour”

“Just as motivating as he was 20 years ago when he was my lecturer. AWESOME!”

Tom’s workshop looked at the nature of mathematics and how it can be adapted to suit any ability level. He showed how mathematics is a structure that is connected and how its teaching can be sequenced in a manner that logically builds upon prior learning.

The workshop included practical examples of simple YuMi Deadly Maths activities to engage learners with disability, using a kinaesthetic approach of body, hand and mind to build understanding of the big ideas of mathematics and the connections across topics.

If you or your school would like to know more, please contact us.

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