This section contains literature relating to youth-adult partnerships (YAPS) .
Barnikis, T., MacNevin, M., & Berman, R. (2019). Participatory research with children: Critical reflections. In I. R. Berson, M. J. Berson, & C. Gray (Eds.), Participatory methodologies to elevate children’s voice and agency (pp. 3-24). Information Age Publishing. *
Bolstad, R. (2011). From ‘Student Voice’ to ‘Youth-Adult’ partnership. Set: Research Information for Teachers, 1, 31-33.*
Groundwater-Smith, S., & Mockler, N. (2015). From data source to co-researchers? Tracing the shift from ‘student voice’ to student-teacher partnerships in Educational Action Research. Educational Action Research, 24(2), 159-176. *
* Literature also included in ‘Student and Teacher Voice’ Section.