Community knowledge of voluntary assisted dying: a cross-sectional survey of the public in Queensland, Australia
White, Ben, Feeney, Rachel, Willmott, Lindy (2025) Community knowledge of voluntary assisted dying: a cross-sectional survey of the public in Queensland, Australia. Death Studies.
'Regulatory Action' by Patients and Family Caregivers to Overcome Barriers to Accessing Voluntary Assisted Dying
Jeanneret, Ruthie, Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2024) 'Regulatory Action' by Patients and Family Caregivers to Overcome Barriers to Accessing Voluntary Assisted Dying: a Qualitative Study in Victoria, Australia. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 47 (3).
Implications of voluntary assisted dying for advance care planning
White, Ben, Archer, Madeleine, Haining, Casey, Willmott, Lindy (2024) Implications of voluntary assisted dying for advance care planning. Medical Journal of Australia, 220 (3), pp.129-133.
citations on Scopus
A Qualitative Study of how Caregivers and Patients Influence Regulation of Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada
Jeanneret, Ruthie, Close, Eliana, Downie, Jocelyn, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2024) 'My Advocacy is Not About Me, My Advocacy is About Canadians': A Qualitative Study of how Caregivers and Patients Influence Regulation of Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada. Medical Law Review, pp.Article number: fwae012.
Patients and Family Caregivers as 'Regulatory Actors' in Voluntary Assisted Dying Systems: A Qualitative Study in Australia and Canada
Jeanneret, Ruthie (2024) Patients and Family Caregivers as 'Regulatory Actors' in Voluntary Assisted Dying Systems: A Qualitative Study in Australia and Canada
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
Patients' and Caregivers' Suggestions for Improving Assisted Dying Regulation: A Qualitative Study in Australia and Canada
Jeanneret, Ruthie, Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy, Downie, Jocelyn, White, Ben (2024) Patients' and Caregivers' Suggestions for Improving Assisted Dying Regulation: A Qualitative Study in Australia and Canada. Health Expectations, 27 (3), pp.Article number: e14107.
citations on Scopus
Patients and caregivers as 'regulatory actors' in healthcare systems: Assisted dying as a case study
Jeanneret, Ruthie, Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2024) Patients and caregivers as 'regulatory actors' in healthcare systems: Assisted dying as a case study. Medical Law International.
Models of care for voluntary assisted dying: A qualitative study of Queensland's approach in its first year of operation
White, Ben, Ward, Amanda, Feeney, Rachel, Ley Greaves, Laura, Willmott, Lindy (2024) Models of care for voluntary assisted dying: A qualitative study of Queensland's approach in its first year of operation. Australian Health Review.
Assisted dying: balancing safety with access: International experience should inform implementation and regulation
Downar, James, Close, Eliana, Young, Jessica, White, Ben (2024) Assisted dying: balancing safety with access: International experience should inform implementation and regulation. BMJ, 387 (8447), pp.Article number: q2382.
citations on Scopus
When Safeguards Become Stumbling Blocks: A Call to Remove the State Residence Requirement for Voluntary Assisted Dying in Australia
Del Villar, Katrine, Jeanneret, Ruthie, White, Ben (2024) When Safeguards Become Stumbling Blocks: A Call to Remove the State Residence Requirement for Voluntary Assisted Dying in Australia. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 48 (2).
Access to voluntary assisted dying in Australia requires fair remuneration for medical practitioners
Haining, Casey, Willmott, Lindy, Towler, Simon, White, Ben (2023) Access to voluntary assisted dying in Australia requires fair remuneration for medical practitioners. The Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (1), pp.8-10.
citations on Scopus
The impact on patients of objections by institutions to assisted dying: a qualitative study of family caregivers’ perceptions
White, Ben, Jeanneret, Ruthie Emma Hart, Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy (2023) The impact on patients of objections by institutions to assisted dying: a qualitative study of family caregivers’ perceptions. BMC Medical Ethics, 24, pp.Article number: 22.
Voluntary assisted dying in Australia: A comparative and critical analysis of state laws
Waller, Katherine, Del Villar, Katrine, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2023) Voluntary assisted dying in Australia: A comparative and critical analysis of state laws. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 46 (4), pp.1-45.
Facilitating regional and remote access to voluntary assisted dying in Western Australia: targeted initiatives during the law-making and implementation stages of reform
Willmott, Lindy, Haining, Casey, White, Ben (2023) Facilitating regional and remote access to voluntary assisted dying in Western Australia: targeted initiatives during the law-making and implementation stages of reform. Rural and Remote Health, 23 (1), pp.Article number: 7522.
Access to voluntary assisted dying in Victoria: a qualitative study of family caregivers’ perceptions of barriers and facilitators
White, Ben, Jeanneret, Ruthie, Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy (2023) Access to voluntary assisted dying in Victoria: a qualitative study of family caregivers’ perceptions of barriers and facilitators. Medical Journal of Australia.
citations on Scopus
Institutional Objection to Voluntary Assisted Dying in Victoria, Australia: An Analysis of Publicly Available Policies
Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy, Keogh, Louise Anne, White, Ben (2023) Institutional Objection to Voluntary Assisted Dying in Victoria, Australia: An Analysis of Publicly Available Policies. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry.
citations on Scopus
Voluntary assisted dying: A discussion of key legal issues for Australian nurses
Willmott, Lindy, Feeney, Rachel, Del Villar, Katrine, Yates, Patsy, White, Ben (2023) Voluntary assisted dying: A discussion of key legal issues for Australian nurses. Collegian.
citations on Scopus
A qualitative study of experiences of institutional objection to medical assistance in dying in Canada
Close, Eliana, Jeanneret, Ruthie, Downie, Jocelyn, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2023) A qualitative study of experiences of institutional objection to medical assistance in dying in Canada: ongoing challenges and catalysts for change. BMC Medical Ethics, 24, pp.Article number: 71.
Barriers to connecting with the voluntary assisted dying system in Victoria, Australia
White, Ben, Jeanneret, Ruthie, Willmott, Lindy (2023) Barriers to connecting with the voluntary assisted dying system in Victoria, Australia: A qualitative mixed method study. Health Expectations.
citations on Scopus
Accessing voluntary assisted dying in regional Western Australia: early reflections from key stakeholders
Haining, Casey, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2023) Accessing voluntary assisted dying in regional Western Australia: early reflections from key stakeholders. Rural and Remote Health, 23 (4), pp.Article number: 8024.
citations on Scopus
Mapping Sources of Assisted Dying Regulation in Belgium: A Scoping Review of the Literature
Archer, Madeleine, Willmott, Lindy, Chambaere, Kenneth, Deliens, Luc, White, Ben (2023) Mapping Sources of Assisted Dying Regulation in Belgium: A Scoping Review of the Literature. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying.
citations on Scopus
The Exclusion of Long-term Australian Residents from Access to Voluntary Assisted Dying: A Critique of the ‘Permanent Resident’ Eligibility Criterion
Del Villar, Katrine, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2023) The Exclusion of Long-term Australian Residents from Access to Voluntary Assisted Dying: A Critique of the ‘Permanent Resident’ Eligibility Criterion. Monash University Law Review, 49 (2).
What Domains of Belgian Euthanasia Practice are Governed and by Which Sources of Regulation
Archer, Madeleine, Willmott, Lindy, Chambaere, Kenneth, Deliens, Luc, White, Ben (2023) What Domains of Belgian Euthanasia Practice are Governed and by Which Sources of Regulation: A Scoping Review. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying.
citations on Scopus
Comparing Voluntary Assisted Dying Laws in Victoria and Western Australia: Western Australian Stakeholders' Perspectives
Haining, Casey, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2023) Comparing Voluntary Assisted Dying Laws in Victoria and Western Australia: Western Australian Stakeholders' Perspectives. Journal of Law and Medicine, 30 (3), pp.716-744.
Practitioners' experiences with 2021 amendments to Canada's medical assistance in dying law: a qualitative analysis
Close, Eliana, Downie, Jocelyn, White, Ben (2023) Practitioners' experiences with 2021 amendments to Canada's medical assistance in dying law: a qualitative analysis. Palliative Care and Social Practice, 17.
citations on Scopus
Voluntary Assisted Dying
Del Villar, Katrine, Waller, Katherine, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2023) Voluntary Assisted Dying. In White, Ben, McDonald, Fiona, Willmott, Lindy, Then, Shih-Ning (Eds.), Health Law in Australia.[ 4th ed.].
Who is eligible for voluntary assisted dying? Nine medical conditions assessed against five legal frameworks
White, Ben, Willmott, Lindy, Del Villar, Katrine, Hewitt, Jayne, Close, Eliana, Ley Greaves, Laura, Cameron, James, Meehan, Rebecca, Downie, Jocelyn (2022) Who is eligible for voluntary assisted dying? Nine medical conditions assessed against five legal frameworks. University of New South Wales Law Journal.
Voluntary assisted dying and the legality of using a telephone or internet service
Del Villar, Katrine, Close, Eliana, Hews, Rachel, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2022) Voluntary assisted dying and the legality of using a telephone or internet service : The impact of Commonwealth ‘Carriage Service’ offences. Monash University Law Review, 47 (1), pp.125-173.
A cross-sectional study of the first two years of mandatory training for doctors participating in voluntary assisted dying
Willmott, Lindy, Feeney, Rachel, Yates, Patsy, Parker, Malcolm, Waller, Katherine, White, Ben (2022) A cross-sectional study of the first two years of mandatory training for doctors participating in voluntary assisted dying. Palliative and Supportive Care.
Voluntary assisted dying: peak bodies must provide practical guidance
Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2022) Voluntary assisted dying: peak bodies must provide practical guidance. Internal Medicine Journal, 52 (6), pp.926-931.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
Voluntary Assisted Dying by Practitioner Administration Is Not Suicide: A Way Past the Commonwealth Criminal Code?
Del Villar, Katrine, White, Ben P., Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy (2022) Voluntary Assisted Dying by Practitioner Administration Is Not Suicide: A Way Past the Commonwealth Criminal Code?. Journal of Law and Medicine, 29 (1), pp.129-141.
citations on Web of Science
citations on Scopus
Medical practitioners’ views and experiences of being involved in assisted dying in Victoria, Australia A qualitative interview study among participating doctors
Sellars, Marcus, White, Ben, Yates, Patsy, Willmott, Lindy (2022) Medical practitioners’ views and experiences of being involved in assisted dying in Victoria, Australia A qualitative interview study among participating doctors. Social Science & Medicine, 292, pp.Article number: 1145681-9.
citations on Web of Science
1 citations on Scopus
Mapping the legal regulation of voluntary assisted dying in Victoria: The coherence of a new practice within the wider legal system
White, Ben, Del Villar, Katrine, Willmott, Lindy, Close, Eliana, Jeanneret, Ruthie (2022) Mapping the legal regulation of voluntary assisted dying in Victoria: The coherence of a new practice within the wider legal system. Journal of Law and Medicine, 29 (3), pp.783-810.
Voluntary Assisted Dying: Human Rights Implications for Australia
Willmott, Lindy, Del Villar, Katrine, White, Ben (2022) Voluntary Assisted Dying: Human Rights Implications for Australia. In Gerber, Paula, Castan, Melissa (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Human Rights Law in Australia. Vol. 2..
Voluntary Requests or Vulnerable Adults? A Critique of Criminal Sentencing in Assisted Suicide and ‘Mercy Killing’ Cases
Del Villar, Katrine, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2022) Voluntary Requests or Vulnerable Adults? A Critique of Criminal Sentencing in Assisted Suicide and ‘Mercy Killing’ Cases. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 45 (2), pp.449-498.
Better Regulation of End‑Of‑Life Care: A Call For A Holistic Approach
White, Ben, Willmott, Lindy, Close, Eliana (2022) Better Regulation of End‑Of‑Life Care: A Call For A Holistic Approach. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry.
citations on Scopus
Voluntary assisted dying: estimating life expectancy to determine eligibility
Ryan, Christopher, White, Ben, Stewart, Cameron (2022) Voluntary assisted dying: estimating life expectancy to determine eligibility. The Medical Journal of Australia, p.47.
2 citations on Scopus
Comparative and critical analysis of key eligibility criteria for voluntary assisted dying under five legal frameworks
White, Ben, Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy, Del Villar, Katrine, Downie, Jocelyn, Cameron, James, Hewitt, Jayne, Meehan, Rebecca, Ley Greaves, Laura (2021) Comparative and critical analysis of key eligibility criteria for voluntary assisted dying under five legal frameworks. University of New South Wales Law Journal.
Participating doctors’ perspectives on the regulation of voluntary assisted dying in Victoria: a qualitative study
Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben P., Sellars, Marcus, Yates, Patsy M. (2021) Participating doctors’ perspectives on the regulation of voluntary assisted dying in Victoria: a qualitative study. Medical Journal Of Australia.
1 citations on Scopus
Prospective oversight and approval of assisted dying cases in Victoria, Australia: a qualitative study of doctors’ perspectives
White, Ben, Willmott, Lindy, Sellars, Marcus, Yates, Patsy (2021) Prospective oversight and approval of assisted dying cases in Victoria, Australia: a qualitative study of doctors’ perspectives. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care.
citations on Scopus
Legislative Options to Address Institutional Objections to Voluntary Assisted Dying in Australia
White, Ben, Willmott, Lindy, Close, Eliana, Downie, Jocelyn (2021) Legislative Options to Address Institutional Objections to Voluntary Assisted Dying in Australia. University of New South Wales Law Journal Forum, 2021 (3), pp.Article number: 3 1-19.
Voluntary assisted dying in Victoria, Australia: A values-based critique
Willmott, Lindy, Del Villar, Katrine, White, Ben (2021) Voluntary assisted dying in Victoria, Australia: A values-based critique. In Westwood, Sue (Ed.), Regulating the End of Life: Death Rights, pp.55-73.
Regulating voluntary assisted dying practice: A policy analysis from Victoria, Australia
Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2021) Regulating voluntary assisted dying practice: A policy analysis from Victoria, Australia. Health Policy, 125 (11), pp.1455-1474.
citations on Scopus
Voluntary assisted dying and telehealth: Commonwealth carriage service laws are putting clinicians at risk
Close, Eliana, Del Villar, Katrine, Willmott, Lindy, White, Ben (2021) Voluntary assisted dying and telehealth: Commonwealth carriage service laws are putting clinicians at risk. Medical Journal of Australia, 215 (9), pp.406-409.
citations on Scopus
Assisted dying and evidence-based law-making: A critical analysis of an article’s role in New Zealand’s referendum
White, Ben, Willmott, Lindy, Downie, Jocelyn, Geddis, Andrew, Gavaghan, Colin (2020) Assisted dying and evidence-based law-making: A critical analysis of an article’s role in New Zealand’s referendum. New Zealand Medical Journal, 133 (1520), pp.83-90.
citations on Scopus
Does the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (Vic) Reflect Its Stated Policy Goals?
White, Ben, Del Villar, Katrine, Close, Eliana, Willmott, Lindy (2020) Does the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (Vic) Reflect Its Stated Policy Goals?. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 43 (2), pp.417-451.
citations on Scopus
Professor Ben White’s other publications are available online.