Dr Samantha Sze-Yee Lee

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    PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australa

    BSc (Optom) Hons, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

    Samantha Lee completed her PhD in early 2017 in the Vision and Driving research unit under the supervision of Professor Joanne Wood and Dr Alex Black. She had previously worked for two years in the Singapore Eye Research Institute’s ocular surface research team before being awarded a postgraduate scholarship by QUT’s School of Optometry and Visual Science for her PhD entitled “Eye Movements and Driving-Related Performance of Older Drivers with Visual Impairment”.

    Samantha is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Lions Eye Institute’s (LEI) and an Adjunct Research Fellow in the University of Western Australia. She is mainly involved in the ocular epidemiology and Atropine for the treatment of myopia studies in Western Australia overseen by Professor David Mackey. Her research interests include epidemiology and population health, eye movements and visual impairment, and children’s vision.
