Publications by year
PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
Dr Ronald Schroeter completed his PhD at the Urban Informatics Research Lab, QUT, in 2011. His research investigated forms of in-place digital augmentation, which refer to the ability to enhance the experiences of citizens in physical spaces through digital technologies that are directly accessible within that space. In particular, he developed mobile phone and public screen applications for public civic engagement of local citizens, in particular young citizens. As part of his study, he has developed “Discussions In Space,” a fun, fast paced, short-text platform for collective expression and public discourse, for which he also received the 2012 National iAwards Merit in Research & Development. He is currently a PostDoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q), QUT. He embraces multidisciplinary research, but his current main research interests are to translate Urban Informatics and Human Computer Interaction concepts into innovative information systems and interfaces for cars that promote road safety. In 2014, the Australian Research Council (ARC) awarded him a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) to work on his 3-year project “Risky Gadgets to the Rescue: Designing Personal Ubicomp Devices to Foster Safer Driving Behaviours in Young Males“.