Dinesh Venugopal

    • 2014: Master of Philosophy in Optometry at Elite School of Optometry (Birla Institute of Technological Sciences, Pilani), India
    • 2011: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Optometry at Shri Prakash Institute of Optometry (Alagappa University), India

    Dinesh Venugopal completed his undergraduate optometry degree at Shri Prakash Institute of Optometry (India) in 2011. He was awarded with Master of Philosophy in Optometry at Elite School of Optometry, Chennai (India) in 2014. Dinesh worked as Lecturer in Optometry for 4 years in Goa Medical College and Hospitals of India. During his tenure, he motivated several undergraduate students and continued research on optometry education, and awareness and knowledge of eye disease. Currently, he is pursing PhD (full-time) at School of Optometry and Vision Science, Queensland University of Technology (Australia). He is involved in vision-related performance based measure development. His research interests are low vision rehabilitation outcome studies, impact of visual impairment in daily activities, optometry education, ocular diagnostics and management, and qualitative research.