Trusted Education Networks with Blockchain

Blockchain for Education is program of work that is active in QUT for the past 3 years. The details of that program can be viewed at

The next project in this program is called “Digital Trail of ICT Authentic Assessments with Blockchain”. This is an action design research project that is funded by Australian Council of Deans of Information and Communication Technologies (ACDICT) in 2020.  The project aims to design and implement a blockchain prototype to store and publish “Digital Trail of ICT Authentic Assessments” in June 2021. The project is led by a QUT team in collaboration with Associate Professor Ernest Foo in Griffith and Professor Salil Kanhere in UNSW. The attached presentation provides the aim & objectives, outcomes, schedule and contact details for this project.


Australian Council of Deans of Information and Communication Technologies (ACDICT)

Project Slide Deck

Digital Trail of ICT Authentic Assessments

Project Team

Dr. Venkat Venkatachalam

Prof. Wageeh Boles

Prof. Glen Tian

Prof. Raja Jurdak

Prof. Salil Kanhere (UNSW)

A/Prof. Ernest Foo (Griffith Uni)