IEEE Distinguished Visitor Program Talk: Trust in Distributed Systems

Professor Raja Jurdak will give a talk at the IEEE Distinguished Visitor Program Global Event on December 5.

The talk abstract is as follows:

Distributed systems involve cooperation among multiple devices to achieve common goals, raising security, privacy, and trust challenges. This talk will cover our research to address these challenges in two types of distributed systems: cyber-physical systems, and the web. This talk will first discuss our work on using blockchain to support trust in CPS. It discusses the challenges in existing CPS architectures, including scalability, trust, and storage optimisation. This talk will explore the role of blockchain in addressing these challenges, along with blockchain design considerations that are pertinent for its application in CPS. We will also cover blockchain applications in CPS that we have targeted. The second part of the talk will cover our work in web-scale analysis of vulnerabilities, and the discovery of a new vulnerability called hijackable hyperlinks. We analyse the scale of this problem on the web and propose mitigation strategies.

More details available here.

The event is available on zoom.

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