SNP Genotyping Services

The Australian Translational Genomics Centre (ATGC) at TRI, Princess Alexandra Hospital, has extensive experience performing genotyping in research and clinical settings, and has performed more than 5,000 GSA arrays and more than 2,000 MethylationEPIC BeadChip arrays in 2018 alone.

ATGC can provide a range of genotyping services for external customers, including the following:

Standard Microarray Workflow:

Illumina InfiniumTM Global Screening Array (GSA) from gDNA submitted in plates.

    • DNA is quantified on a Trinean DropSense 96 prior to processing.
    • Data returned as GenomeStudio Report, and raw intensity *.idat files.

Chip Scanning on iScan:

Scanning of prepared Illumina chips on ATGC’s Illumina iScan and Autoloader, including clinically prepared samples (includes other chip content).

Additional Options:

    • Submission of gDNA in tubes.
    • DNA extraction from blood, saliva or tissue.
    • Extraction of DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples, including restoration and QC.
    • Genotyping from customer-prepared normalised DNA plates (reduced cost).
    • Illumina Methylation Arrays.
      • Including the bisulfite conversion of gDNA.

Other Analytical Services Offered by ATGC:

    • Imputation.
    • HLA imputation.


See some of the publications arising from ATGC projects involving SNP genotyping, imputation and genome-wide association studies.