Bio and Research:
Matt Brown is a clinician-scientist who trained initially as a rheumatologist before heading into a career in immunogenetics research. He has made major contributions to the development of gene-mapping approaches in human diseases. He has played a significant role in the development of genomewide association study methodology, leading to the discovery of thousands of genetic variants associated with a wide range of human diseases. His particular interest is in the disease ankylosing spondylitis, where he has helped to develop new treatments by dissecting the genetic causes of the disease. He is deeply interested in the translation of genomics into clinical applications, including in common and rare heritable diseases, and cancers. More recently, he contributed to the development of sequencing approaches to mutation mapping in unrelated cases, enabling early life or prenatal genetic diagnoses for monogenic diseases. He has led international efforts in mapping genes in rheumatic diseases (ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma), osteoporosis, neurological diseases (motor neurone disease, epilepsy), and TB, as well as contributing to efforts in many other diseases. These findings have led to major translational benefits such as the development of IL-23 pathway inhibitors for psoriasis, IBD and AS, as well as many drug development initiatives. He is expert in genomic technologies and has played a leading role in the development and introduction of next-generation sequencing for medical genomics including cancers and heritable diseases. He is a Fellow of both the Australian Academy of Sciences and the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences. In 2016 Matt transitioned from The University of Queensland where he was between 2005-2016 to Queensland University of Technology as Director of Genomics where he hopes to enhance the University’s genomics capabilities and continue his research with many exciting opportunities on the horizon both in Australia and internationally. In 2017 he was appointed as a ‘Distinguished Professor’ or Queensland University of Technology in recognition of his scientific contributions.
In October 2019, Matt Brown took up a position in the United Kingdom as Professor of Medicine and Director of the King’s College London National Institutes of Health Biomedical Research Centre. Matt retains ties to QUT as an Adjunct Professor.
Research Interests:
Gene Profiling, Genetic Analysis, Translational Genomics, Rheumatology