
The Surface Science Queensland group is primarily located at the Central Analytical Research Facility (CARF) within the QUT Science and Engineering Centre.

Its Surface Science laboratory houses well-maintained and cutting-educe equipment.

  • Omicron UHV Multiprobe system equipped with STM, AFM, XPS and SPA-LEED
  • Zeiss Helios Helium Ion beam Microscope (HIM)
  • FEI Quanta 3D Dual Beam Focused Ion beam Microscope
  • BMT Multiscan Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
  • NT-MDT Solver Pro Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
  • Kratos Axis Supra Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS – UPS)

Other characterisation techniques like SEM, TEM, Raman, and UV-VIS are also available.

Material growth facilities include:

  • chemical vapor deposition
  • infrared high-temperature furnace
  • physical vapor deposition and sputtering.