
About STIR

STIR is a toolkit for investigating injuries in the workplace. It consists of targeted prompts and an accompanying data collection guide that assists practitioners in identifying the factors contributing to an injury across all levels of the systems, not only factors focused on error of frontline staff or equipment failure. The toolkit also guides practitioners in generating actions that have the capability to create systemic change. It provides a standardised method for investigating injuries and generating actions to prevent future injuries.


Design and development of STIR has been informed through three key projects focused on developing system thinking tools for the review and revision of risk controls following the report of a staff injury related to:


Evaluation of these system thinking investigation tools has been shown to:

  • Encourage a more comprehensive and considered approach to investigation and development of controls,
  • Help identify trends that influenced incidents, especially at higher levels of the system,
  • Facilitate collaboration around investigation and development of controls.