Tsunami Activity

Tsunami Activity at School

This tsunami activity was created for Year 6 students. The objective of this activity was to:

  • build on the knowledge students have gained through the science unit on earthquakes and disasters with a focus on tsunamis.
  • recap the information presented in a National Geographic video clips on tsunamis .
  • experiment with tsunami waves as they hit land.
  • critically question and provide constructive feedback on solution approaches, assumptions made, and concepts ideas applied.

In this activity, students carried out the following:

  1. Started by watching videos on tsunamis.
  2. Run tsunami simulations on tsunami stations set up for each group.
  3. Make predictions and record experiment findings on the table provided in their workbooks.
  4. Analyse data to reach a conclusion.

The following booklets will enable you to carry out the tsunami activity in your classroom

  1. Tsunami Activity-Teacher Guide Booklet
  2. Tsunami Activity-Student Design Workbook