
All Categories

These are all categories.

Designing with mathematics in fifth-grade STEM education

English, L. D. (2022, in press) Designing with mathematics in fifth-grade STEM education. Springer.

Mathematical modeling and philosophical inquiry in the elementary school

English, L. D. (2022, in press) Mathematical modeling and philosophical inquiry in the elementary school. Lit Verlag.

Interdisciplinary mathematical modeling

English, L. D. (2022, in press) Interdisciplinary mathematical modeling. Springer.

Mathematical and interdisciplinary modeling in optimizing young children’s learning

English, Lyndall (2021) Mathematical and interdisciplinary modeling in optimizing young children’s learning. In Suh, Jennifer M., Wickstrom, Megan H., English, Lyn (Eds.), Exploring Mathematical Modeling with Young Learners, Early Mathematics Learning and Development, pp.3-23.

Facilitating STEM integration through design

English, L. D. (2021) Facilitating STEM integration through design. Springer.

Integrating engineering within early STEM and STEAM education

English, Lyndall (2021) Integrating engineering within early STEM and STEAM education. In Cohrssen, Caroline, Garvis, Susanne (Eds.), Embedding STEAM in Early Childhood Education and Care, pp.115-133.

STEM and Integration

English, Lyn, Anderson, Judy (2021) STEM and Integration. In Peters, Michael A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of teacher education.

Introducing statistical variation in Year 3 in a STEM context: Manufacturing licorice

Watson, Jane, Fitzallen, Noleine, English, Lyn, Wright, Suzie (2020) Introducing statistical variation in Year 3 in a STEM context: Manufacturing licorice. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 51 (3), pp.354-387.
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Handbook of Research on STEM Education 1st Edition

Johnson, C. C., Mohr-Schroeder, M. J., Moore, T. J., English, L. D. (2020) Handbook of Research on STEM Education 1st Edition. Routledge.

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Learning by design across STEM education

English, L. D., Adams, R., & King, D. (2020) Learning by design across STEM education. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

The contribution of mathematics education researchers to the current STEM education agenda

Anderson, Judy, English, Lyndall, Fitzallen, Noleine Elizabeth, Symons, Duncan (2020) The contribution of mathematics education researchers to the current STEM education agenda. In Way, Jennifer, Attard, Catherine, Anderson, Judy, Bobis, Janette, McMaster, Heather, Cartwright, Katherin (Eds.), Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2016–2019, pp.27-57.

Design learning in STEM education

English, Lyndall, Adams, Robin, King, Donna (2020) Design learning in STEM education. In Johnson, Carla C., Mohr-Schroeder, Margaret J., Moore, Tamara J., English, Lyn D. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on STEM Education, pp.76-86.
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Early Mathematics Learning and Development

Lyn D. English (2019) Early Mathematics Learning and Development. Springer.

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Towards article acceptance: Avoiding common pitfalls in submissions to mathematical thinking and learning

English, Lyn (2019) Towards article acceptance: Avoiding common pitfalls in submissions to mathematical thinking and learning. In Kaiser, G, Presmeg, N (Eds.), Compendium for early career researchers in mathematics education (ICME-13 Monographs), pp.467-479.

Learning while designing in a fourth-grade integrated STEM problem

English, Lyn (2019) Learning while designing in a fourth-grade integrated STEM problem. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29 (5), pp.1011–1032.
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STEM integration in sixth grade: Designing and constructing paper bridges

English, Lyn, King, Donna (2019) STEM integration in sixth grade: Designing and constructing paper bridges. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17 (5), pp.863-884.
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Early Engineering Learning

English, Lyn, Moore, Tamara (Eds.) (2018) Early Engineering Learning. In English, Lyn, Moore, Tamara (Eds.), Early Mathematics Learning and Development.

Young children's statistical literacy in modelling with data and chance

English, Lyn (2018) Young children's statistical literacy in modelling with data and chance. In Leavy, A, Paparistodemou, E, Meletiou-Mavrotheris, M (Eds.), Statistics in early childhood and primary education: Supporting early statistical and probabilistic thinking (Early Mathematics Learning and Development series), pp.295-313.

Early engineering: An introduction to young children's potential

English, Lyn (2018) Early engineering: An introduction to young children's potential. In Moore, T, English, L (Eds.), Early engineering learning (Early Mathematics Learning and Development series), pp.1-5.

Engineering education in early childhood: Reflections and future directions

English, Lyn (2018) Engineering education in early childhood: Reflections and future directions. In Moore, T, English, L (Eds.), Early engineering learning (Early Mathematics Learning and Development series), pp.273-284.

Engineering in the early grades: Harnessing children’s natural ways of thinking

Moore, Tamara, Tank, Kristina, English, Lyn (2018) Engineering in the early grades: Harnessing children’s natural ways of thinking. In Moore, T, English, L (Eds.), Early engineering learning (Early Mathematics Learning and Development series), pp.9-18.

Introducing children to modeling variability

Lehrer, Richard, English, Lyn (2018) Introducing children to modeling variability. In Makar, K, Ben-Zvi, D, Garfield, J (Eds.), International handbook of research in statistics education (Springer International Handbooks of Education), pp.229-260.

Modelling with authentic data in sixth grade

English, Lyn, Watson, Jane M. (2018) Modelling with authentic data in sixth grade. ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education, 50 (1-2), pp.103-115.
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Eye color and the practice of statistics in grade 6: Comparing two groups

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2018) Eye color and the practice of statistics in grade 6: Comparing two groups. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 49, pp.35-60.
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Helping students make sense of STEM

Lyons, Terry (2018) Helping students make sense of STEM. Teaching Science, 64 (3), pp.37-43.

Advancing integrated STEM learning through engineering design: Sixth-grade students' design and construction of earthquake resistant buildings

English, Lyn, King, Donna, Smeed, Joanna (2017) Advancing integrated STEM learning through engineering design: Sixth-grade students' design and construction of earthquake resistant buildings. Journal of Educational Research, 110 (3), pp.255-271.
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Engineering education with fourth-grade students: Introducing Design-based problem solving

English, Lyn, King, Donna (2017) Engineering education with fourth-grade students: Introducing Design-based problem solving. International Journal of Engineering Education, 33 (1), pp.346-360.
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Statistical problem posing, problem refining, and further reflection in grade 6

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2017) Statistical problem posing, problem refining, and further reflection in grade 6. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 17 (4), pp.347-365.
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Advancing elementary and middle school STEM education

English, Lyn (2017) Advancing elementary and middle school STEM education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15 (S1), pp.5-24.
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Reaction time in grade 5: Data collection within the practice of statistics

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2017) Reaction time in grade 5: Data collection within the practice of statistics. Statistics Education Research Journal, 16 (1), pp.262-293.
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Engineering design in the primary school: Applying stem concepts to build an optical instrument

King, Donna, English, Lyn (2017) Engineering design in the primary school: Applying stem concepts to build an optical instrument. International Journal of Science Education, 38 (18), pp.2762-2794.
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Advancing Mathematics Education Research within a STEM Environment

English, Lyn (2016) Advancing Mathematics Education Research within a STEM Environment. In Fry, K, Dole, S, Goos, M, Maker, K, Bennison, A, Visnovska, J (Eds.), Research in mathematics education in Australasia 2012-2015, pp.353-371.
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Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education [3rd Ed.]

English, Lyn, Kirshner, David (Eds.) (2016) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education [3rd Ed.]. In English, Lyn, Kirshner, David (Eds.).

Reflections on progress in mathematical modelling research

English, Lyn, Bergman Arleback, Jonas, Mousoulides, Nicolos (2016) Reflections on progress in mathematical modelling research. In Leder, G C, Boero, P, Gutierrez, A (Eds.), The second handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education: The journey continues, pp.383-413.
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Changing agendas in international research in mathematics education

English, Lyn, Kirshner, David (2016) Changing agendas in international research in mathematics education. In English, L D, Kirshner, D (Eds.), Handbook of international research in mathematics education [3rd edition] (100 Cases series), pp.3-18.
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Developing Early Foundations through Modeling with Data

English, Lyn (2016) Developing Early Foundations through Modeling with Data. In Hirsch, C R, Roth McDuffie, A (Eds.), Mathematical modeling and modeling mathematics [Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education 2016], pp.187-195.

Problem solving in a 21st century mathematics curriculum

English, Lyn, Gainsburg, Julie (2016) Problem solving in a 21st century mathematics curriculum. In English, L D, Kirshner, D (Eds.), Handbook of international research in mathematics education [3rd edition] (100 Cases series), pp.313-335.

Designing an optical instrument: A culminating STEM activity for a primary science light unit

King, Donna, English, Lyn (2016) Designing an optical instrument: A culminating STEM activity for a primary science light unit. Teaching Science, 62 (4), pp.15-24.

Designing an earthquake-resistant building

English, Lyn, King, Donna (2016) Designing an earthquake-resistant building. Teaching Children Mathematics, 23 (1), pp.47-50.

Repeated random sampling in year 5

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2016) Repeated random sampling in year 5. Journal of Statistics Education, 24 (1), pp.27-37.
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STEM education K-12: perspectives on integration

English, Lyn (2016) STEM education K-12: perspectives on integration. International Journal of STEM Education, 3, pp.Article number: 3 1-8.
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Development of probabilistic understanding in fourth grade

English, Lyn, Watson, Jane M. (2016) Development of probabilistic understanding in fourth grade. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 47 (1), pp.27-62.
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Learning through modelling in the primary years

English, Lyn (2015) Learning through modelling in the primary years. In Hoe Lee, N, Kit Ee Ng, D (Eds.), Mathematical modelling: From theory to practice [Series on Mathematics Education, Volume 8], pp.99-124.

Statistical literacy in the elementary school: Opportunities for problem posing

English, Lyn, Watson, Jane M. (2015) Statistical literacy in the elementary school: Opportunities for problem posing. In Cai, J, Singer, F M, Ellerton, N F (Eds.), Mathematical problem posing: From research to effective practice, pp.241-256.
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Introducing the practice of statistics: are we environmentally friendly?

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2015) Introducing the practice of statistics: are we environmentally friendly?. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 27 (4), pp.585-613.
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Exploring links between pedagogical knowledge practices and student outcomes in STEM education for primary schools

Hudson, Peter, English, Lyn, Dawes, Les, King, Donna, Baker, Steve (2015) Exploring links between pedagogical knowledge practices and student outcomes in STEM education for primary schools. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40 (6), pp.Article number: 8 134-151.
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Exploring variation in measurement as a foundation for statistical thinking in the elementary school

English, Lyn, Watson, Jane M. (2015) Exploring variation in measurement as a foundation for statistical thinking in the elementary school. International Journal of STEM Education, 2, pp.Article number: 3 1-20.
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Bridging STEM in a real-world problem

English, Lyn, Mousoulides, Nicolos (2015) Bridging STEM in a real-world problem. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 20 (9), pp.532-539.

Confronting expectation in grade 4: Tossing two coins

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2015) Confronting expectation in grade 4: Tossing two coins. International Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 8 (3), pp.1-30.

Expectation and variation with a virtual die

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2015) Expectation and variation with a virtual die. Australian Mathematics Teacher, 71 (3), pp.3-9.

Promoting Statistical Literacy Through Data Modelling in the Early School Years

English, Lyn (2014) Promoting Statistical Literacy Through Data Modelling in the Early School Years. In Chernoff, E, Sriraman, B (Eds.), Probabilistic thinking: Presenting plural perspectives [Advances in Mathematics Education], pp.441-457.

The aerospace engineering challenge

English, Lyn, King, Donna, Hudson, Peter, Dawes, Les (2014) The aerospace engineering challenge. Teaching Children Mathematics, 21 (2), pp.122-126.

Statistics at play

English, Lyn (2014) Statistics at play. Teaching Children Mathematics, 21 (1), pp.37-44.

Curricula integration : identifying and locating engineering education across the Australian curriculum

Hudson, Peter, English, Lyn, Dawes, Les (2014) Curricula integration : identifying and locating engineering education across the Australian curriculum. Curriculum Perspectives, 34 (1), pp.43-50.
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Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning

English, Lyn, Mulligan, Joanne (Eds.) (2013) Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning. In English, Lyn, Mulligan, Joanne (Eds.), Advances in Mathematics Education.

Mathematical thinking of preschool children in rural and regional Australia

Hunting, Robert, Bobis, Janette, Doig, Brian, English, Lyn, Mousley, Judy, Mulligan, Joanne, Papic, Marina, Pearn, Catherine, Perry, Bob, Robbins, Jill, et al. (2013) Mathematical thinking of preschool children in rural and regional Australia : research and practice

Complex Modelling in the Primary and Middle School Years : An Interdisciplinary Approach

English, Lyn (2013) Complex Modelling in the Primary and Middle School Years : An Interdisciplinary Approach. In Blum, W, Brown, J P, Kaiser, G, Stillman, G A (Eds.), Teaching mathematical modelling: Connecting to research and practice [Volume 16: International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling], pp.491-505.

Modeling as a means for making powerful ideas accessible to children at an early age

Lesh, Richard, English, Lyn, Sevis, Serife, Riggs, Chanda (2013) Modeling as a means for making powerful ideas accessible to children at an early age. In Hegedus, S J, Roschelle, J (Eds.), The SimCalc vision and contributions: Democratizing access to important mathematics [Advances in Mathematics Education], pp.419-436.

Perspectives on Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning

English, Lyn, Mulligan, Joanne (2013) Perspectives on Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning. In English, L D, Mulligan, J T (Eds.), Reconceptualizing early mathematics learning [Advances in Mathematics Education, Volume 5], pp.1-4.

Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning : The Fundamental Role of Pattern and Structure

Mulligan, Joanne, Mitchelmore, Michael, English, Lyn, Crevensten, Nathan (2013) Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning : The Fundamental Role of Pattern and Structure. In English, L D, Mulligan, J T (Eds.), Reconceptualizing early mathematics learning [Volume 5: Advances in Mathematics Education], pp.47-66.

Reconceptualizing statistical learning in the early years

English, Lyn (2013) Reconceptualizing statistical learning in the early years. In English, L D, Mulligan, J T (Eds.), Reconceptualizing early mathematics learning [Volume 5: Advances in Mathematics Education], pp.67-82.

Modelling as a vehicle for philosophical inquiry in the mathematics curriculum

English, Lyn (2013) Modelling as a vehicle for philosophical inquiry in themathematics curriculum. Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis, 34 (1), pp.46-57.

Surviving an avalanche of data

English, Lyn (2013) Surviving an avalanche of data. Teaching Children Mathematics, 19 (6), pp.364-372.

Engineering based problem solving in the middle school: Design and construction with simple machines

English, Lyn, Hudson, Peter, Dawes, Les (2013) Engineering based problem solving in the middle school: Design and construction with simple machines. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 3 (2), pp.1-13.

Female students’ interactions in a middle school engineering project : a case study

Hudson, Peter, English, Lyn, Dawes, Les (2013) Female students’ interactions in a middle school engineering project : a case study. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29 (4), pp.814-821.
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The power of percent

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2013) The power of percent. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 18 (4), pp.14-18.

Problem solving in the primary school (K-2)

Lesh, Richard, English, Lyn, Riggs, Chanda, Sevis, Serife (2013) Problem solving in the primary school (K-2). Mathematics Enthusiast, 10 (1 - 2), pp.35-60.
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Contextualizing a university-school STEM education collaboration : distributed and self-activated leadership for project outcomes

Hudson, Peter, English, Lyn, Dawes, Les, Macri, Jo (2012) Contextualizing a university-school STEM education collaboration : distributed and self-activated leadership for project outcomes. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 40 (6), pp.772-785.
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Engineering design processes in seventh-grade classrooms: bridging the engineering education gap

English, Lyn, Hudson, Peter, Dawes, Les (2012) Engineering design processes in seventh-grade classrooms: bridging the engineering education gap. European Journal of Engineering Education, 37 (5), pp.436-447.
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Data modelling with first-grade students

English, Lyn (2012) Data modelling with first-grade students. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 81 (1), pp.15-30.
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Models and modelling

English, Lyn (2012) Models and modelling. Prime Number, 27 (2), pp.3-7.

Engineering Model Eliciting Activities for Elementary School Students

Mousoulides, Nicolos, English, Lyn (2011) Engineering model eliciting activities for elementary school students. In Blum, W, Ferri, R B, Kaiser, G, Stillman, G (Eds.), Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling - ICTMA14 [International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling, Volume 1].Vol. 1., International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling, pp.221-230.
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Engineering-based modelling experiences in the elementary classroom

English, Lyn, Nicholas, G. (2011) Engineering-based modelling experiences in the elementary classroom. In Khine, M, Saleh, I (Eds.), Models and Modeling: Cognitive Tools for Scientific Enquiry, pp.173-193.

Complex learning through cognitively demanding tasks

English, Lyn (2011) Complex learning through cognitively demanding tasks. Mathematics Enthusiast, 8 (3), pp.483-506.

Mathematics and complex learning

English, Lyn (2011) Mathematics and complex learning. Curriculum Leadership, 9 (3), pp.1-6.

Multiple perspectives on engaging future engineers

Adams, Robin, Evangelou, Demetra, English, Lyn, Dias de Figueiredo, Antonio, Mousoulides, Nicolos, Pawley, Alice, Schifellite, Carmen, Stevens, Reed, Svinicki, Marilla, Trenor, Julie Martin, et al. (2011) Multiple perspectives on engaging future engineers. Journal of Engineering Education, 100 (1), pp.48-88.
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Perceived gender differences in STEM learning in the middle school

English, Lyn, Hudson, Peter, Dawes, Les (2011) Perceived gender differences in STEM learning in the middle school. International Journal of Engineering Education, 27 (2), pp.389-398.
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Theories of Mathematics Education : Seeking New Frontiers

Sriraman, Bharath, English, Lyn (2010) Theories of Mathematics Education : Seeking New Frontiers. Advances in Mathematics Education.

Theoretical, conceptual, and philosophical foundations for mathematics education research : timeless necessities

English, Lyn (2010) Theoretical, conceptual, and philosophical foundations for mathematics education research : timeless necessities. In English, L, Sriraman, B (Eds.), Theories of Mathematics Education: Seeking New Frontiers, pp.65-66.

Modeling with complex data in the primary school

English, Lyn (2010) Modeling with complex data in the primary school. In Lesh, R, Haines, C R, Hurford, A, Galbraith, P L (Eds.), Modeling Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: ICTMA 13, pp.287-299.
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English, Lyn, Humble, Steve, Barnes, Victoria (2010) Trailblazers. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16 (7), pp.402-409.

Interdisciplinary modelling

English, Lyn (2010) Interdisciplinary modelling. Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 9 (1), pp.73-90.

Young children's early modelling with data

English, Lyn (2010) Young children's early modelling with data. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 22 (2), pp.24-47.
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Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education Second Edition

English, Lyn, Bussi, Maria, Jones, Graham, Lesh, Richard, Sriraman, Bharath, Tirosh, Dina (Eds.) (2008) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education Second Edition. In English, Lyn, Bussi, Maria, Jones, Graham, Lesh, Richard, Sriraman, Bharath, Tirosh, Dina (Eds.).

Mathematical and Analogical Reasoning in Early Childhood

English, Lyn D. (Ed.) (2004) Mathematical and Analogical Reasoning in Early Childhood. In English, Lyn D. (Ed.).

Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education

English, Lyn (2002) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education

Academic Books

This is the list of Academic Books.

Handbook of Research on STEM Education 1st Edition

Johnson, C. C., Mohr-Schroeder, M. J., Moore, T. J., English, L. D. (2020) Handbook of Research on STEM Education 1st Edition. Routledge.

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Early Mathematics Learning and Development

Lyn D. English (2019) Early Mathematics Learning and Development. Springer.

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Early Engineering Learning

English, Lyn, Moore, Tamara (Eds.) (2018) Early Engineering Learning. In English, Lyn, Moore, Tamara (Eds.), Early Mathematics Learning and Development.

Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education [3rd Ed.]

English, Lyn, Kirshner, David (Eds.) (2016) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education [3rd Ed.]. In English, Lyn, Kirshner, David (Eds.).

Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning

English, Lyn, Mulligan, Joanne (Eds.) (2013) Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning. In English, Lyn, Mulligan, Joanne (Eds.), Advances in Mathematics Education.

Mathematical thinking of preschool children in rural and regional Australia

Hunting, Robert, Bobis, Janette, Doig, Brian, English, Lyn, Mousley, Judy, Mulligan, Joanne, Papic, Marina, Pearn, Catherine, Perry, Bob, Robbins, Jill, et al. (2013) Mathematical thinking of preschool children in rural and regional Australia : research and practice

Theories of Mathematics Education : Seeking New Frontiers

Sriraman, Bharath, English, Lyn (2010) Theories of Mathematics Education : Seeking New Frontiers. Advances in Mathematics Education.

Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education Second Edition

English, Lyn, Bussi, Maria, Jones, Graham, Lesh, Richard, Sriraman, Bharath, Tirosh, Dina (Eds.) (2008) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education Second Edition. In English, Lyn, Bussi, Maria, Jones, Graham, Lesh, Richard, Sriraman, Bharath, Tirosh, Dina (Eds.).

Mathematical and Analogical Reasoning in Early Childhood

English, Lyn D. (Ed.) (2004) Mathematical and Analogical Reasoning in Early Childhood. In English, Lyn D. (Ed.).

Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education

English, Lyn (2002) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education

Book Chapters

This is the list of Book Chapters.

Designing with mathematics in fifth-grade STEM education

English, L. D. (2022, in press) Designing with mathematics in fifth-grade STEM education. Springer.

Mathematical modeling and philosophical inquiry in the elementary school

English, L. D. (2022, in press) Mathematical modeling and philosophical inquiry in the elementary school. Lit Verlag.

Interdisciplinary mathematical modeling

English, L. D. (2022, in press) Interdisciplinary mathematical modeling. Springer.

Mathematical and interdisciplinary modeling in optimizing young children’s learning

English, Lyndall (2021) Mathematical and interdisciplinary modeling in optimizing young children’s learning. In Suh, Jennifer M., Wickstrom, Megan H., English, Lyn (Eds.), Exploring Mathematical Modeling with Young Learners, Early Mathematics Learning and Development, pp.3-23.

Facilitating STEM integration through design

English, L. D. (2021) Facilitating STEM integration through design. Springer.

Integrating engineering within early STEM and STEAM education

English, Lyndall (2021) Integrating engineering within early STEM and STEAM education. In Cohrssen, Caroline, Garvis, Susanne (Eds.), Embedding STEAM in Early Childhood Education and Care, pp.115-133.

STEM and Integration

English, Lyn, Anderson, Judy (2021) STEM and Integration. In Peters, Michael A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of teacher education.

Learning by design across STEM education

English, L. D., Adams, R., & King, D. (2020) Learning by design across STEM education. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

The contribution of mathematics education researchers to the current STEM education agenda

Anderson, Judy, English, Lyndall, Fitzallen, Noleine Elizabeth, Symons, Duncan (2020) The contribution of mathematics education researchers to the current STEM education agenda. In Way, Jennifer, Attard, Catherine, Anderson, Judy, Bobis, Janette, McMaster, Heather, Cartwright, Katherin (Eds.), Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2016–2019, pp.27-57.

Design learning in STEM education

English, Lyndall, Adams, Robin, King, Donna (2020) Design learning in STEM education. In Johnson, Carla C., Mohr-Schroeder, Margaret J., Moore, Tamara J., English, Lyn D. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on STEM Education, pp.76-86.
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Towards article acceptance: Avoiding common pitfalls in submissions to mathematical thinking and learning

English, Lyn (2019) Towards article acceptance: Avoiding common pitfalls in submissions to mathematical thinking and learning. In Kaiser, G, Presmeg, N (Eds.), Compendium for early career researchers in mathematics education (ICME-13 Monographs), pp.467-479.

Young children's statistical literacy in modelling with data and chance

English, Lyn (2018) Young children's statistical literacy in modelling with data and chance. In Leavy, A, Paparistodemou, E, Meletiou-Mavrotheris, M (Eds.), Statistics in early childhood and primary education: Supporting early statistical and probabilistic thinking (Early Mathematics Learning and Development series), pp.295-313.

Early engineering: An introduction to young children's potential

English, Lyn (2018) Early engineering: An introduction to young children's potential. In Moore, T, English, L (Eds.), Early engineering learning (Early Mathematics Learning and Development series), pp.1-5.

Engineering education in early childhood: Reflections and future directions

English, Lyn (2018) Engineering education in early childhood: Reflections and future directions. In Moore, T, English, L (Eds.), Early engineering learning (Early Mathematics Learning and Development series), pp.273-284.

Engineering in the early grades: Harnessing children’s natural ways of thinking

Moore, Tamara, Tank, Kristina, English, Lyn (2018) Engineering in the early grades: Harnessing children’s natural ways of thinking. In Moore, T, English, L (Eds.), Early engineering learning (Early Mathematics Learning and Development series), pp.9-18.

Introducing children to modeling variability

Lehrer, Richard, English, Lyn (2018) Introducing children to modeling variability. In Makar, K, Ben-Zvi, D, Garfield, J (Eds.), International handbook of research in statistics education (Springer International Handbooks of Education), pp.229-260.

Advancing Mathematics Education Research within a STEM Environment

English, Lyn (2016) Advancing Mathematics Education Research within a STEM Environment. In Fry, K, Dole, S, Goos, M, Maker, K, Bennison, A, Visnovska, J (Eds.), Research in mathematics education in Australasia 2012-2015, pp.353-371.
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Reflections on progress in mathematical modelling research

English, Lyn, Bergman Arleback, Jonas, Mousoulides, Nicolos (2016) Reflections on progress in mathematical modelling research. In Leder, G C, Boero, P, Gutierrez, A (Eds.), The second handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education: The journey continues, pp.383-413.
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Changing agendas in international research in mathematics education

English, Lyn, Kirshner, David (2016) Changing agendas in international research in mathematics education. In English, L D, Kirshner, D (Eds.), Handbook of international research in mathematics education [3rd edition] (100 Cases series), pp.3-18.
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Developing Early Foundations through Modeling with Data

English, Lyn (2016) Developing Early Foundations through Modeling with Data. In Hirsch, C R, Roth McDuffie, A (Eds.), Mathematical modeling and modeling mathematics [Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education 2016], pp.187-195.

Problem solving in a 21st century mathematics curriculum

English, Lyn, Gainsburg, Julie (2016) Problem solving in a 21st century mathematics curriculum. In English, L D, Kirshner, D (Eds.), Handbook of international research in mathematics education [3rd edition] (100 Cases series), pp.313-335.

Learning through modelling in the primary years

English, Lyn (2015) Learning through modelling in the primary years. In Hoe Lee, N, Kit Ee Ng, D (Eds.), Mathematical modelling: From theory to practice [Series on Mathematics Education, Volume 8], pp.99-124.

Statistical literacy in the elementary school: Opportunities for problem posing

English, Lyn, Watson, Jane M. (2015) Statistical literacy in the elementary school: Opportunities for problem posing. In Cai, J, Singer, F M, Ellerton, N F (Eds.), Mathematical problem posing: From research to effective practice, pp.241-256.
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Promoting Statistical Literacy Through Data Modelling in the Early School Years

English, Lyn (2014) Promoting Statistical Literacy Through Data Modelling in the Early School Years. In Chernoff, E, Sriraman, B (Eds.), Probabilistic thinking: Presenting plural perspectives [Advances in Mathematics Education], pp.441-457.

Complex Modelling in the Primary and Middle School Years : An Interdisciplinary Approach

English, Lyn (2013) Complex Modelling in the Primary and Middle School Years : An Interdisciplinary Approach. In Blum, W, Brown, J P, Kaiser, G, Stillman, G A (Eds.), Teaching mathematical modelling: Connecting to research and practice [Volume 16: International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling], pp.491-505.

Modeling as a means for making powerful ideas accessible to children at an early age

Lesh, Richard, English, Lyn, Sevis, Serife, Riggs, Chanda (2013) Modeling as a means for making powerful ideas accessible to children at an early age. In Hegedus, S J, Roschelle, J (Eds.), The SimCalc vision and contributions: Democratizing access to important mathematics [Advances in Mathematics Education], pp.419-436.

Perspectives on Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning

English, Lyn, Mulligan, Joanne (2013) Perspectives on Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning. In English, L D, Mulligan, J T (Eds.), Reconceptualizing early mathematics learning [Advances in Mathematics Education, Volume 5], pp.1-4.

Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning : The Fundamental Role of Pattern and Structure

Mulligan, Joanne, Mitchelmore, Michael, English, Lyn, Crevensten, Nathan (2013) Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning : The Fundamental Role of Pattern and Structure. In English, L D, Mulligan, J T (Eds.), Reconceptualizing early mathematics learning [Volume 5: Advances in Mathematics Education], pp.47-66.

Reconceptualizing statistical learning in the early years

English, Lyn (2013) Reconceptualizing statistical learning in the early years. In English, L D, Mulligan, J T (Eds.), Reconceptualizing early mathematics learning [Volume 5: Advances in Mathematics Education], pp.67-82.

Engineering Model Eliciting Activities for Elementary School Students

Mousoulides, Nicolos, English, Lyn (2011) Engineering model eliciting activities for elementary school students. In Blum, W, Ferri, R B, Kaiser, G, Stillman, G (Eds.), Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling - ICTMA14 [International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling, Volume 1].Vol. 1., International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling, pp.221-230.
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Engineering-based modelling experiences in the elementary classroom

English, Lyn, Nicholas, G. (2011) Engineering-based modelling experiences in the elementary classroom. In Khine, M, Saleh, I (Eds.), Models and Modeling: Cognitive Tools for Scientific Enquiry, pp.173-193.

Theoretical, conceptual, and philosophical foundations for mathematics education research : timeless necessities

English, Lyn (2010) Theoretical, conceptual, and philosophical foundations for mathematics education research : timeless necessities. In English, L, Sriraman, B (Eds.), Theories of Mathematics Education: Seeking New Frontiers, pp.65-66.

Modeling with complex data in the primary school

English, Lyn (2010) Modeling with complex data in the primary school. In Lesh, R, Haines, C R, Hurford, A, Galbraith, P L (Eds.), Modeling Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: ICTMA 13, pp.287-299.
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Journal Articles

This is the list of Journal Articles.

Introducing statistical variation in Year 3 in a STEM context: Manufacturing licorice

Watson, Jane, Fitzallen, Noleine, English, Lyn, Wright, Suzie (2020) Introducing statistical variation in Year 3 in a STEM context: Manufacturing licorice. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 51 (3), pp.354-387.
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Learning while designing in a fourth-grade integrated STEM problem

English, Lyn (2019) Learning while designing in a fourth-grade integrated STEM problem. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29 (5), pp.1011–1032.
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STEM integration in sixth grade: Designing and constructing paper bridges

English, Lyn, King, Donna (2019) STEM integration in sixth grade: Designing and constructing paper bridges. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17 (5), pp.863-884.
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Modelling with authentic data in sixth grade

English, Lyn, Watson, Jane M. (2018) Modelling with authentic data in sixth grade. ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education, 50 (1-2), pp.103-115.
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Eye color and the practice of statistics in grade 6: Comparing two groups

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2018) Eye color and the practice of statistics in grade 6: Comparing two groups. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 49, pp.35-60.
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Helping students make sense of STEM

Lyons, Terry (2018) Helping students make sense of STEM. Teaching Science, 64 (3), pp.37-43.

Advancing integrated STEM learning through engineering design: Sixth-grade students' design and construction of earthquake resistant buildings

English, Lyn, King, Donna, Smeed, Joanna (2017) Advancing integrated STEM learning through engineering design: Sixth-grade students' design and construction of earthquake resistant buildings. Journal of Educational Research, 110 (3), pp.255-271.
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Engineering education with fourth-grade students: Introducing Design-based problem solving

English, Lyn, King, Donna (2017) Engineering education with fourth-grade students: Introducing Design-based problem solving. International Journal of Engineering Education, 33 (1), pp.346-360.
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Statistical problem posing, problem refining, and further reflection in grade 6

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2017) Statistical problem posing, problem refining, and further reflection in grade 6. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 17 (4), pp.347-365.
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Advancing elementary and middle school STEM education

English, Lyn (2017) Advancing elementary and middle school STEM education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15 (S1), pp.5-24.
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Reaction time in grade 5: Data collection within the practice of statistics

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2017) Reaction time in grade 5: Data collection within the practice of statistics. Statistics Education Research Journal, 16 (1), pp.262-293.
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Engineering design in the primary school: Applying stem concepts to build an optical instrument

King, Donna, English, Lyn (2017) Engineering design in the primary school: Applying stem concepts to build an optical instrument. International Journal of Science Education, 38 (18), pp.2762-2794.
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Designing an optical instrument: A culminating STEM activity for a primary science light unit

King, Donna, English, Lyn (2016) Designing an optical instrument: A culminating STEM activity for a primary science light unit. Teaching Science, 62 (4), pp.15-24.

Designing an earthquake-resistant building

English, Lyn, King, Donna (2016) Designing an earthquake-resistant building. Teaching Children Mathematics, 23 (1), pp.47-50.

Repeated random sampling in year 5

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2016) Repeated random sampling in year 5. Journal of Statistics Education, 24 (1), pp.27-37.
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STEM education K-12: perspectives on integration

English, Lyn (2016) STEM education K-12: perspectives on integration. International Journal of STEM Education, 3, pp.Article number: 3 1-8.
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Development of probabilistic understanding in fourth grade

English, Lyn, Watson, Jane M. (2016) Development of probabilistic understanding in fourth grade. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 47 (1), pp.27-62.
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Introducing the practice of statistics: are we environmentally friendly?

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2015) Introducing the practice of statistics: are we environmentally friendly?. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 27 (4), pp.585-613.
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Exploring links between pedagogical knowledge practices and student outcomes in STEM education for primary schools

Hudson, Peter, English, Lyn, Dawes, Les, King, Donna, Baker, Steve (2015) Exploring links between pedagogical knowledge practices and student outcomes in STEM education for primary schools. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40 (6), pp.Article number: 8 134-151.
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Exploring variation in measurement as a foundation for statistical thinking in the elementary school

English, Lyn, Watson, Jane M. (2015) Exploring variation in measurement as a foundation for statistical thinking in the elementary school. International Journal of STEM Education, 2, pp.Article number: 3 1-20.
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Bridging STEM in a real-world problem

English, Lyn, Mousoulides, Nicolos (2015) Bridging STEM in a real-world problem. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 20 (9), pp.532-539.

Confronting expectation in grade 4: Tossing two coins

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2015) Confronting expectation in grade 4: Tossing two coins. International Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 8 (3), pp.1-30.

Expectation and variation with a virtual die

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2015) Expectation and variation with a virtual die. Australian Mathematics Teacher, 71 (3), pp.3-9.

The aerospace engineering challenge

English, Lyn, King, Donna, Hudson, Peter, Dawes, Les (2014) The aerospace engineering challenge. Teaching Children Mathematics, 21 (2), pp.122-126.

Statistics at play

English, Lyn (2014) Statistics at play. Teaching Children Mathematics, 21 (1), pp.37-44.

Curricula integration : identifying and locating engineering education across the Australian curriculum

Hudson, Peter, English, Lyn, Dawes, Les (2014) Curricula integration : identifying and locating engineering education across the Australian curriculum. Curriculum Perspectives, 34 (1), pp.43-50.
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Modelling as a vehicle for philosophical inquiry in the mathematics curriculum

English, Lyn (2013) Modelling as a vehicle for philosophical inquiry in themathematics curriculum. Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis, 34 (1), pp.46-57.

Surviving an avalanche of data

English, Lyn (2013) Surviving an avalanche of data. Teaching Children Mathematics, 19 (6), pp.364-372.

Engineering based problem solving in the middle school: Design and construction with simple machines

English, Lyn, Hudson, Peter, Dawes, Les (2013) Engineering based problem solving in the middle school: Design and construction with simple machines. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 3 (2), pp.1-13.

Female students’ interactions in a middle school engineering project : a case study

Hudson, Peter, English, Lyn, Dawes, Les (2013) Female students’ interactions in a middle school engineering project : a case study. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29 (4), pp.814-821.
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The power of percent

Watson, Jane M., English, Lyn (2013) The power of percent. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 18 (4), pp.14-18.

Problem solving in the primary school (K-2)

Lesh, Richard, English, Lyn, Riggs, Chanda, Sevis, Serife (2013) Problem solving in the primary school (K-2). Mathematics Enthusiast, 10 (1 - 2), pp.35-60.
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Contextualizing a university-school STEM education collaboration : distributed and self-activated leadership for project outcomes

Hudson, Peter, English, Lyn, Dawes, Les, Macri, Jo (2012) Contextualizing a university-school STEM education collaboration : distributed and self-activated leadership for project outcomes. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 40 (6), pp.772-785.
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Engineering design processes in seventh-grade classrooms: bridging the engineering education gap

English, Lyn, Hudson, Peter, Dawes, Les (2012) Engineering design processes in seventh-grade classrooms: bridging the engineering education gap. European Journal of Engineering Education, 37 (5), pp.436-447.
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Data modelling with first-grade students

English, Lyn (2012) Data modelling with first-grade students. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 81 (1), pp.15-30.
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Models and modelling

English, Lyn (2012) Models and modelling. Prime Number, 27 (2), pp.3-7.

Complex learning through cognitively demanding tasks

English, Lyn (2011) Complex learning through cognitively demanding tasks. Mathematics Enthusiast, 8 (3), pp.483-506.

Mathematics and complex learning

English, Lyn (2011) Mathematics and complex learning. Curriculum Leadership, 9 (3), pp.1-6.

Multiple perspectives on engaging future engineers

Adams, Robin, Evangelou, Demetra, English, Lyn, Dias de Figueiredo, Antonio, Mousoulides, Nicolos, Pawley, Alice, Schifellite, Carmen, Stevens, Reed, Svinicki, Marilla, Trenor, Julie Martin, et al. (2011) Multiple perspectives on engaging future engineers. Journal of Engineering Education, 100 (1), pp.48-88.
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Perceived gender differences in STEM learning in the middle school

English, Lyn, Hudson, Peter, Dawes, Les (2011) Perceived gender differences in STEM learning in the middle school. International Journal of Engineering Education, 27 (2), pp.389-398.
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English, Lyn, Humble, Steve, Barnes, Victoria (2010) Trailblazers. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16 (7), pp.402-409.

Interdisciplinary modelling

English, Lyn (2010) Interdisciplinary modelling. Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 9 (1), pp.73-90.

Young children's early modelling with data

English, Lyn (2010) Young children's early modelling with data. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 22 (2), pp.24-47.
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