
STEM Education Research Group Webinar: STEM Education in PNG: Developing a Pacific nation’s potential

Making school relevant and engaging for students is a priority of education systems worldwide. However, in the 21st Century, making the school curriculum more connected with real-life has become a mantra for many governments, schools and other stakeholders. In 2020, the Government of Papua New Guinea took the decision to introduce STEM Education in high schools. To achieve this goal, there was a need to upskill teachers. As a part of the Australia Awards Program, QUT was successful in its bid to deliver the Graduate Certificate in STEM Education course. So far, two cohorts of teachers have successfully completed the course. Despite the challenges presented by COVID, 48/50 graduated. The upskilling of a third cohort is underway. This presentation would focus on how the course was delivered and how has it impacted on the teachers. It will also shed light on how these teachers are delivering STEM courses in their contexts.

Professor Dann Mallet
Associate Professor Vinesh Chandra
Dr Senka Henderson

Integrating Digital Technologies in Education Practices: Synthesising research on the SAMR model

Research of the integration of digital technologies in learning and teaching often uses frameworks to theorise and conceptualise findings. One of the most popular frameworks is Puentedura’s SAMR model, which is widely used in and beyond education research. In this presentation we will share findings from a scoping review of how SAMR is used by researchers to categorise educational practices with digital technologies. Based on an analysis of 230 publications, we will critique the model and propose a new approach to using it. A scoping review of the application of the SAMR model in research in Computers and Education Open

Dr Chris Blundell
Dr Michelle Mukherjee

STEM Entrepreneurship

Dr James Davis provides an interesting discussion about the STEM-Entrepreneurship Research Team. The team seeks to build research connectivity between education researchers, entrepreneurial thinkers, school leaders, teachers, and students to influence integrated approaches to STEM education. To achieve this, the team is actively exploring innovative models for industry-researcher collaboration that may involve startup and EdTech networks.

Dr James Davis

Education in the digital age podclass

Traditional classrooms are being transformed by technology. When it comes to digital learning, Dr Chris Blundell says the right strategies and tools can empower teachers to use technology in the classroom with confidence and success. Listen to Dr Blundell and Sue Suter from Brisbane Catholic Education share simple steps to help teachers, parents, and students explore the power of new learning and teaching tools.

Dr Chris Blundell

Thinking outside the Classroom

Dr Bronwyn Ewing loves maths, but she knows not everybody feels the same way. That’s why she’s devoted herself to encouraging positive engagement with maths through contextualised learning. Hear how using everything from turtle eggs to cemetery headstones can give maths a real-world context and get students of all ages engaged and participating in learning.

Associate Professor Bronwyn Ewing