Dr. Te Hurinui Karaka-Clarke affiliates to Tūhourangi/ Ngāti Wāhiao, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Waitaha ki Te Arawa and Kāi Te Ruahikihiki and is a senior lecturer in the School of Teacher Education at the University of Canterbury, College of Education. His research focusses on the enhancing engagement in synchronous online teaching and learning of te reo Māori at tertiary level, improving retention of students in senior te reo Māori programmes in English medium secondary schools in Aotearoa/ New Zealand and improving culturally responsive practice in the Aotearoa/ New Zealand education system. Te Hurinui has supervised and examined a number of Master’s theses. He is a member of s number of scholarly groups such as NZARE, AARE, FLANZ, Kaiako Māori ki Waitaha. Te Hurinui is also a co-director of Te Rū Rangahau Māori Research Lab at the University of Canterbury, College of Education. He has collaborated in a number of research and scholarly works alongside Professor Angus Macfarlane and others.