Khyiah Angel, Ph.D., is a Lecturer in Education in the STEAM-Lab, College of Indigenous Futures, Education, and the Arts at Charles Darwin University. Her interest and expertise are in the Creative Technologies, and she currently teaches across the Bachelor of Education and Master of Teaching programs in Technologies Curriculum, English Curriculum, and Visual Arts Curriculum.
Dr Angel’s research interests include gamification and game-based learning, technology pedagogy, and multimodal storytelling. She is also interested in exploring multimodal storytelling in education for neurodivergent students. She has two creative publications – both Young Adult (YA) novels, with another on the horizon, and an academic publication exploring the use of multimodality as an authorial competency. Her current research is investigating the efficacy of using Virtual Escape Rooms and the Minecraft Classroom as a means of facilitating synchronous and asynchronous tertiary education modules.