Dr Janice Crerar is STEAMLab Chair in the College of Indigenous Futures, Education and Art at Charles Darwin University. In that role she develops connection and collaboration with research partners in the community to inform research and teaching practice. Janice has experience as an educator in context of remote Indigenous Communities as she worked as part of a team to support local Indigenous people to become teachers. During this experience she worked with local elders to develop respect and ability to integrate local knowledge and culture into key learning areas and this is reflected in her work as a lecturer. Her main research interest tackles the ‘wicked problem’ of women and science and applies Foucauldian analysis to demonstrate how common stories and ideas about gender, girls and science contribute to the segregation of women in the science workplace. Her research to date has identified opportunities for disruption in educational systems, primarily in the early years and adolescence. Ongoing research in this field focuses on developing strategies to disrupt the contribution of common stories and ideas about girls and science in early years and adolescent education.