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McAndrew, R., Mulcahy, R., Gordon. R., & Russell-Bennett, R. (2021) Household energy efficiency interventions: A systematic literature review. .
Whittaker, Lucas, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory (2021) Reward-based or meaningful gaming? A field study on game mechanics and serious games for sustainability. Psychology and Marketing. []
Whittaker, Lucas, Mulcahy, Rory, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah (2021) ‘Go with the flow’ for gamification and sustainability marketing. International Journal of Information Management, pp.Article number: 102305. []
McKinnon, Heather, Foth, Marcus, Sade, Gavin (2020) 1300 Pieces of Rubbish: A Collaborative Approach to Making Sense of Everyday Resource Sufficiency in the Home. DIS 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, DIS 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, pp.1351-1364. []
Mulcahy, Rory, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Iacobucci, Dawn (2020) Designing gamified apps for sustainable consumption: A field study. Journal of Business Research, 106, pp.377-387. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Raciti, Maria, Letheren, Kate, Drennan, Judy (2020) Empowering low-socioeconomic status parents to support their children in participating in tertiary education: Co-created digital resources for diverse parent personas. Higher Education Research and Development. []
Letheren, Kate, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory, McAndrew, Ryan (2019) Rules of (household) engagement: Technology as manager, assistant or intern. European Journal of Marketing, 53 (9), pp.1934-1961. []
Dulleck, Uwe, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Letheren, Kate, Whyte, Stephen, Brumpton, Martin (2019) Research Summary Report: Hug, Nudge, Shove or Smack? []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Letheren, Kate, Glavas, Charmaine, McAndrew, Ryan, Clements, Adam, Walker, Geoff, Mulcahy, Rory, Hudson, Rob, Ossington, Reid (2019) Research Summary Report: Summer Saver []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Gallegos, Danielle, Ramsey, Rebecca, McAndrew, Ryan, Smith, Geoff (2019) Investigating Australia’s Food Security: Summary Project Report []
Dulleck, Uwe, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Letheren, Kate, Whyte, Stephen, Brumpton, Martin (2019) Hug, nudge, shove or smack? Testing approaches to reducing peak energy consumption by consumers - Final Report []
McGraw, Jacquie Cherie, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, White, Katherine M. (2019) “He’s too much of a man to do that”: The role of masculine identities and self-conscious emotions in men’s help-seeking in preventative health. Frontiers in Service. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Odekerken, Gaby, Letheren, Kate, Whyte, Stephen, Dulleck, Uwe (2019) Understanding the two seat journey: Final Report []
Willmott, Taylor, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Drennan, Judy, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn (2019) The impact of serious educational gameplay on adolescent binge drinking intentions: A theoretically grounded empirical examination. Health Education and Behavior, 46 (1), pp.114-125. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory, Little, Jo, Swinton, Tim (2018) Money or mind? What matters most in influencing low-income earners to be energy efficient?. Journal of Social Marketing, 8 (1), pp.2-23. []
McGraw, Jacquie Cherie (2018) Men's help-seeking behaviours in preventative health: The role of masculine identities []
Gallegos, Danielle, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, McAndrew, Ryan, Smith, Geoff (2018) Food (in)Security in Australia: Benchmarking attitudes and
beliefs of Australians []
McGraw, Jacquie Cherie, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, White, Katherine M. (2018) Tough but not terrific: When value is destroyed in men’s preventative health services. American Marketing Association Services Special Interest Group (SEVRSIG) 10th International Research Conference. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory (2018) How playing games on your phone or tablet could cut your power bill. The Conversation, January, pp.1-3. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory, McAndrew, Ryan, Swinton, Tim, Little, Jo Anne, Horrocks, Neil (2018) Reduce your juice: A digital social marketing programme for reducing residential electricity use. In Hastings, Gerard, Domegan, Christine (Eds.), Social Marketing: Rebels with a Cause (3rd Edition). [3rd ed.], pp.346-356. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory, Little, Jo, Swinton, Tim (2018) Money or mind? What matters most in influencing low-income earners to be energy efficient?. Journal of Social Marketing, 8 (1), pp.2-23. []
Yam, Zanmei Alpha, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Foth, Marcus, Mulcahy, Rory (2017) How does serious m-game technology encourage low-income households to perform socially-responsible behaviors?. Psychology and Marketing, 34 (4), pp.394-409. []
Johnson, Daniel, Horton, Ella, Mulcahy, Rory, Foth, Marcus (2017) Gamification and serious games within the domain of domestic energy consumption: A systematic review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 73, pp.249-264. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Drennan, Judy, Raciti, Maria, Bowring, Natalie, Burns, Kara (2017) Using service design to co-create a digital strategy to improve tertiary education participation amongst under-represented markets. In Evans, D, French, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th World Social Marketing Conference, pp.113-117. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory, McAndrew, Ryan, Swinton, Tim, Little, Jo, Horrocks, Neil (2017) Challenging the myths of the low income earner with a digital mobile program: Reduce your juice. World Social Marketing Conference, pp.1-1. []
McAndrew, Ryan, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory, Gordon, Ross (2017) What works and what doesn’t? A systematic literature review of residential energy efficiency programs in developed countries. Improving Residential Energy Efficiency Conference (IREE 2017). []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory, Letheren, Kate, McAndrew, Ryan, Swinton, Tim, Horrocks, Neil, Ossington, Reid (2017) Innovating energy markets: A hybrid persona/segment approach. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, (42520), pp.764-764. []
Swinton, T., Little, J., Russell-Bennett, R., Mulcahy, R., McAndrew, R and Passion, C. (2016.) Reduce Your Juice Digital Social Marketing Program (Final Report). . (
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Leo, Cheryl, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Drennan, Judy (2016) A hierarchy-of-effects approach to designing a social marketing game. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 28 (2), pp.105-128. []
Manikam, Shamini, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah (2016) The social marketing theory-based (SMT) approach for designing interventions. Journal of Social Marketing, 6 (1), pp.18-40. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory, McAndrew, Ryan, Swinton, Tim, Little, Jo-Anne, Foth, Marcus (2016) Can a digital approach change low-income energy saving behaviours?. International Social Marketing Conference (ISMC). []
Chell, Kathleen W. (2016) Giving and sharing : The predictors and outcomes of online donor appreciation []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Previte, Josephine, Hartel, Charmine, Smith, Geoff, Zainuddin, Nadia (2016) The actual and imagined customer experiences of blood donation: A customer value perspective. In Wetzels, M (Ed.), Conference Proceedings SERVSIG Conference 2016, pp.768-776. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory, McAndrew, Ryan, Swinton, Tim, Little, Jo-Anne, Foth, Marcus (2016) Can a digital approach change low-income energy saving behaviours?. International Social Marketing Conference (ISMC). []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Smith, Geoff, Chell, Kathleen, Goulden, Jennifer (2015) Social Influence and Blood Donation: Cultural Differences Between Scotland and Australia. In Wymer, W (Ed.), Innovations in social marketing and public health communication: Improving the quality of life for individuals and communities [Applying Quality of Life Research], pp.133-158. []
Dietrich, Timo, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Schuster, Lisa, Drennan, Judy, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Leo, Cheryl, Gullo, Matthew, Connor, Jason (2015) Differential segmentation responses to an alcohol social marketing program. Addictive Behaviors, 49, pp.68-77. []
Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Schuster, Lisa, Dietrich, Timo, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Drennan, Judy, Leo, Cheryl, Connor, Jason (2015) Maintaining or changing a drinking behavior? GOKA's short-term outcomes. Journal of Business Research, 68 (10), pp.2155-2163. []
Previte, Josephine, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Parkinson, Joy (2015) Shaping safe drinking cultures : evoking positive emotion to promote moderate-drinking behaviour. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39 (1), pp.12-24. []
McAndrew, Ryan J.A. (2015) Friendship group motives for alcohol consumption: A midstream social marketing approach []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Russell, Kay, Previte, Josephine, Glavas, Charmaine, Hartel, Charmine, Smith, Geoff (2014) The role of other people and emotion for blood donation : an altruistic social service. In Tsiotsou, R H, Hajidimitriou, Y (Eds.), Services Marketing in the New Economic and Social Landscape: AMA SERVSIG 2014 - International Service Research Conference Proceedings, pp.8-13. []
Gallegos, Danielle, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Previte, Josephine, Parkinson, Joy (2014) Can a text message a week improve breastfeeding?. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14, pp.Article number: 374 1-11. []
Hogan, Stephen, Perks, Keith, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah (2014) Identifying the key sociocultural influences on drinking behavior in high and moderate binge-drinking countries and the public policy implications. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 33 (1), pp.93-107. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Mulcahy, Rory, Foth, Marcus, Little, Jo, Swinton, Tim (2014) The psychological and economic factors that influence energy consumption habits of low-income earners. In Ewing, M, Newton, F (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2014 International Social Marketing Conference, pp.1-5. []
Chell, Kathleen, Mortimer, Gary (2014) Investigating online recognition for blood donor retention : an experiential donor value approach. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 19 (2), pp.143-163. []
Dobele, Angela, Johnson, Nicola, Smith, Geoff, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah (2014) Facebook wall posts: what sort achieves the most interaction?. International Social Marketing Conference, (50909). []
Previte, Josephine, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah (2014) The need for internal social marketing (ISM): extending the people focus to service employees. In Domegan, C, Hastings, G (Eds.), Social marketing: from tunes to symphonies, 2nd Edition, pp.326-333. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Gallegos, Danielle, Previte, Josephine, Hamilton, Robyn (2014) Case study: Using social cognitive theory and social support coping theory to improve breastfeeding duration rates: MumBubConnect. In Aleti, T, Binney, W, Parker, L, Nguyen, D, Brennan, L (Eds.), Social marketing and behaviour change: Models, theory and applications, pp.66-74. []
Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Dietrich, Timo, Schuster, Lisa, Connor, Jason, Drennan, Judy, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Leo, Cheryl (2014) Game On: Know Alcohol - Interim findings from the first nine schools. 2014 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, p.631. []
Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Leo, Cheryl, Dietrich, Timo (2013) Moderating teen drinking : combining social marketing and education. Health Education, 113 (5), pp.392-406. []
Foth, Marcus, Satchell, Christine, Seeburger, Jan, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah (2013) Social and mobile interaction design to increase the loyalty rates of young blood donors. In Koch, M, Prinz, W, Satchell, C, Schlichter, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Communities and Technologies Conference 2013, pp.64-73. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Previte, Josephine, Gallegos, Danielle, Hartel, Charmine, Smith, Geoff, Hamilton, Robyn (2013) A Services Approach to Social Marketing Programs. In Kubacki, K, Rundle-Thiele, S (Eds.), Contemporary issues in social marketing, pp.111-140. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Wood, Matthew, Previte, Josephine (2013) Fresh ideas : services thinking for social marketing. Journal of Social Marketing, 3 (3), pp.223-238. []
Zainuddin, Nadia, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Previte, Josephine (2013) The value of health and wellbeing : an empirical model of value creation in social marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 47 (9), pp.1504-1524. []
McAndrew, Ryan, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah (2013) Speaking their language: Examining risky drinking from the customers' point of view. In Brodie, R (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, pp.1-7. []
Mayer, Jessica, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Zainuddin, Nadia (2013) Branded breastscreening: How brand congruence, perceived threat and age influence coping. World Social Marketing Conference, pp.121-123. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Gallegos, Danielle, Previte, Josephine (2012) Overcoming barriers through new technology : support via text messaging. In Thorley, V, Clark Vickers, M (Eds.), The 10th step and beyond: mother support for breastfeeding, pp.183-194. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Hartel, Charmine, Russell, Kay, Previte, Josephine (2012) It's all about me! Emotional ambivalence Gen-Y blood-donors. Proceedings from the AMA SERVSIG International Service Research Conference 2012, pp.43-43. []
Parkinson, Joy, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Previte, Josephine (2012) Increasing loyalty to breastfeeding : investigating a product development strategy. Health Marketing Quarterly, 29 (3), pp.223-238. []
Parkinson, Joy, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Previte, Josephine (2012) Mum or bub? Which influences breastfeeding loyalty. Australasian Marketing Journal, 20 (1), pp.16-23. []
Foth, Marcus, Fitz-Walter, Zac, Ti, Jimmy, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Kuhn, Kerri-Ann (2012) Please take out your phones : on the spot solicitation of student feedback in class. In Chua, C, Vasa, R, Huang, W, Farrell, V, Farrell, G, Woodward, C (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI 2012), pp.150-153. []
Zainuddin, Nadia, Previte, Josephine, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah (2011) A social marketing approach to value creation in a Well-Women’s health service. Journal of Marketing Management, 27 (3 - 4), pp.361-385. []
Zainuddin, Nadia, Previte, Josephine, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah (2011) A social marketing approach to value creation in a Well-Women’s health service. Journal of Marketing Management, 27 (3 - 4), pp.361-385. []
Zainuddin, Nadia (2011) Value co-creation in social marketing wellness services []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Hartel, Charmine, Beatson, Amanda (2011) Affective events theory as a framework for understanding third-party consumer complaints. In Zerbe, W J, Hartel, C E J, Ashkanasy, N M (Eds.), What have we learned? Ten years on [Volume 7: Research on Emotion in Organizations], pp.167-195. []
McAndrew, Ryan, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn (2011) Moving beyond the individual: Using group theories to conceptually examine risky drinking. In MacCarthy, M (Ed.), Marketing in the Age of Consumerism: Jekyll or Hyde? Proceedings of the 2011 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, pp.1-8. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Hartel, Charmine (2011) Coding emotions in complaint behaviour: Comparing the Shaver et al. and Richin’s consumption emotions sets. In Zerbe, W J, Hartel, C E J, Ashkanasy, N M (Eds.), What have we learned? Ten years on [Volume 7: Research on Emotion in Organizations], pp.151-166. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Hartel, Charmine, Drennan, Judy (2010) Consumer satisfaction and redress with a government third-party complaints agency. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 23, pp.65-82. []
Parkinson, Joy, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Previte, Josephine (2010) The role of mother-centered factors influencing the complex social behaviour of breastfeeding : social support and self-efficacy. In Ballantine, P, Finsterwalder, J (Eds.), Proceeding of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2010, pp.1-9. []
Mcandrew, Ryan, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn (2010) Alcohol use within the sibship. In Ballantine, P, Finsterwalder, J (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2010, pp.1-7. []
Russell-Bennett, Rebekah, Previte, Josephine, Zainuddin, Nadia (2009) Conceptualising value creation for social change management. Australasian Marketing Journal, 17 (4), pp.211-218. []
Bennett, Rebekah, Hartel, Charmine, Drennan, Judy (2005) It’s not about the money! Key drivers of satisfaction with Government Third-Party Complaint Handling. Australasian Nonprofit and Social Marketing Conference. []