The Role of Masculinity for Altruistic Behaviour among Male Nondonors: Implications for Marketing Communication

Masculinity and Altruistic Behaviour

Project dates: 2016 - 2018

Males are an important resource for blood donation, as male donors are less likely than females to experience a vasovagal reaction and are generally preferred for plasma donation.  However, men are comparatively under-represented within the Australian blood donor panel; in particular younger males under the age of 40. Therefore, the Blood Service are actively seeking to recruit younger men to donate blood, not only to convert to plasma donation but also be encouraged to engage in a long donation career.

To address this problem, this project explores the role of masculinity to engage in an altruistic behaviour (i.e. blood donation) and the implications on recruitment efforts for young males. Masculinity is represented in 12 psychological archetypes; creator, caregiver, ruler, jester, regular guy, magician, lover, hero, outlaw, explorer, thinker, and innocent. These archetypes drive attitudes and behaviours towards engaging with goods and services.

Project aims:

  • How does masculinity influence young men’s non-participation in blood donation?
  • How does masculinity align with altruistic behaviours?
  • How do masculine archetypes align with marketing communication appeals for blood donation?

To address the aims, this project adopts a qualitative research design. The research team are currently conducting interviews using projective techniques with male non-donors (aged 18 to 39) across Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.


Guiding Theory:

  • Consumer Archetypes
  • Masculine Identity

Research Presentation and Masculine Archetypes: