Professor Uwe Dulleck

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Background Uwe obtained his PhD at Humboldt University Berlin in 1999. Before Uwe joined QUT he was a Professor of Economics at the University of Linz, Austria and an Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna. His publications can be found in the ‘American Economic Review’, 'Journal of Economic Literature', the 'Economic Journal', the 'Journal of Public Economics', the 'International Journal of Industrial Organization', the 'Scandinavian Journal of Economics', among others. His research has been discussed in the Economic Focus of 'The Economist', the Sydney Morning Heralkd and the 'Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung' (the Sunday edition of Germany's leading quality newspaper), among others. Uwe was awarded several ARC Linkage Grants and one ARC Discovery Grant. He is a co-investigator of two Austrian Research grants. In total his research funding exceeds AUD 2,500,000). In 2015 Uwe was the Chairman of the Programm Committee for Australia's Conference of Economists, the leading and largest conference for research and applied economists in Australia. He is an active public speaker on Behavioural Economics and its applications to Public Policy, Business Decision Making and Regulation. Research in Progress
  • Behavioural Finance and Economics and the Regulation of Financial Services
  • How to use incentives to improve attendance and performance of indigenous Australians at school.
  • Disclosure in Patents, applying computational linguistics to the economic analysis of patents.
  • Misdiagnosis in Markets for Credence Goods - Satisfaction Guaranteed and other Remedies (with Rudolf Kerschbamer)
Reserach Interests
  • Behavioural and Experimental Economics
  • Behavioural Economics and Financial Markets
  • Behavioural Economics and Education
  • Information Economics, esp. Credence Goods
  • Law and Economics of Patents
Media coverage includes For economists
  • WoPEc - downloadable Working Papers
  • IDEAS - downloadable and not downloadable Working Papers
  • SSRN - (commercial) Working Paper Database
  • EDIRC - Directory of Economics Departments all over the world
  • WebEc - List of and links to almost all Economic Journals
  • Inomics - Conference announcements and Job openings for Economists
  • Subito - Library service: Photocopies via E-Mail of hard-to-get journals articles for little money
  • ECONIS - Kiel Database of Economic Literature
  • - Economic Data/Facts and more for Economists articles for little money

Projects (Chief investigator)


Additional information

Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Coaching in Reducing Workplace Stress: Laboratory and Field Investigations
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Biofeedback; Occupational Stress; Stress Management; Wellbeing
Honesty and Efficiency in the Provision of Expert Services: Doctors and other Experts as Participants in Economic Experiments
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Experimental Economics Behavioral Economics Expert Services Institutional Design Other Regarding Preferences
Using Heart Rate Variability Measurements To Identify The Effects Of Stress On Decision Making
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Experimental Economics; Neuroeconomics; Organizational Design