Project Description:
This project is part of the ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Smart Next Generation Transport Pavements (IH180100010), led by Prof Jayantha Kodikara at Monash University. The research hub is backed by 21 industry partners, 8 local universities, and 7 international universities, receiving $5 million cash support from industry partners and $5 million from the ARC over a 5-year period (2019 – 2024). A/Prof Chaminda Gallage at QUT leadss this specific project, securing $510,000 in cash support from the ARC and industry partners (QDTMR, LCC, Global Synthetics, Polyfabrics). The project has made significant progress, resulting in two HDR completions (PhD and MPhil), approximately 15 refereed publications, and the employment of two current PhD students.
Traditionally, when constructing pavements on weak ground (soft subgrades), methods such as a thick gravel cover, removal of weak soil layer, and lime stabilization are employed to protect subgrades by reducing imposed stress. However, these conventional approaches raise economic, environmental, and sustainability concerns. This project aims to explore the utilisation of geocomposites (geosynthetics) to stabilise soft subgrades by minimising the required thickness of gravel (crushed rock) in the pavement structure over soft subgrades. The objective is to reduce construction time and costs while enhancing the performance and lifespan of the pavement structure. As a result of the research findings, a technical guide outlining the use of geocomposite/geogrid (geosynthetics) to enhance soft subgrades has been developed and submitted for review and approval by QDTMR/National Transport Research Organisation (NTRO). Once approved, this guide will provide valuable insights for pavement design and construction practitioners, enabling them to create economical, environmentally friendly, sustainable, and long-lasting pavement structures on soft subgrades.
Project Details:
Duration: 2019- 2024 Research Methods:
Team: QUT :
Collaborative Partners: