Dr Tharindu Fernando Warnakulasuriya

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Research Fellow

Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)

Dr. Tharindu (Fernando) Warnakulasuriya is a Research Fellow in the Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Vision Technologies (SAIVT) research program in the school of Electrical Engineering and Robotics at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Tharindu received his BSc (special degree in computer science) from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, and his PhD from QUT, Australia. His PhD thesis was entitled “Context Modelling for Single and Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction” where he developed systems to predict future behaviour in single and multi-agent settings. The underpinning theoretical innovation of his thesis was the development of a novel Neural Memory Network (NMN) architecture to capture both short-term and long-term context of a given domain. He was awarded a QUT Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award in recognition of ground-breaking innovative research. Since the completion of his PhD, Tharindu is conducting interdisciplinary research activities and collaborating with researchers in healthcare, neuroscience, psychology, and computer vision to solve challenging problems in several domains, utilising the advances that he contributed to the area of Machine Learning during his PhD and beyond. Research highlights:


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Research Areas

  • Machine Learning: Deep Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks, Neural Memory Networks, Interpretable Machine Learning, Generative Adversarial Networks, Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning, Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning, Multimodal Deep Learning.
  • Biomedical Signal Processing: Abnormality Detection, Medical Imaging, Biosignal Classification.
  • Computer Vision: Human Behaviour Analysis and Prediction, Person Tracking, Saliency Prediction, Image Forensics.
  • Sports Analytics: Player Behaviour Analysis and Prediction.

Research Applications:

  • Machine Learning: Neural Memory Plasticity, Deep Context Modelling, Structured Memory Networks, Attention Driven Fusion, Recurrent Attention Networks.
  • Biomedical Signal Processing: Heart State Segmentation, Abnormal Heart Sound Detection, Automated Schizophrenia Risk Detection.
  • Computer Vision: Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction, Aircraft Trajectory Prediction, Monitoring Intuitive Expertise of Airport Security Screeners, Pedestrian Group Detection, Autonomous Steering, Discovering Hidden Temporal Patterns, Human Action Recognition.
  • Sports Analytics: Next Shot Prediction in Tennis, Player Strategy Analysis, Soccer Event Analysis.

Professional Service

  • Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security; IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems; Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
2019 QUT University Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
University Award for Academic Excellence, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka