Dr Feras Dayoub

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PhD in Robotics and Computer Vision (University of Lincoln, Lincoln)

I am a Senior Lecturer and a Chief Investigator with QUT Centre for Robotics (QCR), where I co-lead the visual learning and understanding program. I served as a Chief Investigator of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision (concluded in 2020). My research focuses on enabling the reliable deployment of computer vision and machine learning on mobile robots in real-world environments. I have extensive experience in applied robotic vision research resulting from my work on exciting projects such as AGRobotic detection of weed in farms using deep learning, vision-enabled autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) to protect the Great Barrier Reef from Crown-of-Thorns Starfish and vision-based infrastructure inspection using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). I am also a lecturer in advanced robotics topics for undergraduates, where I teach Bayesian approaches to robot localisation, mapping, and Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM).

Academic Career

  • 2019-present Senior Lecturer - School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics, QUT.
    • I am a CI on the following projects:
      • Novel autonomous robotic weed control (CRC-P project)
      • Robotic Crop Management for Vertical Farming Systems (QUT CAB)
      • Robotic Systems for Real-Time Asset Management, ARC Research Hub in Intelligent (ITRH)
    • I coordinate and teach the following units:
      • Advanced Robotics, Unit code: EGB439. 3rd and 4th year.
      • Microprocessors and Digital Systems, Unit code CAB202, 1st and 2nd year.
  • 2020-present Chief Investigator - QUT Centre for Robotics (QCR).
    • My roles in QCR:
      • Co-Lead - Visual learning and understanding program
      • Portfolio Lead - Early to Mid-career cohort
  • 2016-2020 The ARC Australian Center for Robotics Vision (ACRV).
    • 2019   Chief Investigator
      • Deputy project leader - Robotics Vision Evaluation and Benchmarking (ACRV project).
      • Deputy program leader - Robot Learning Program (ACRV research program).
    • 2018 Associate Investigator
    • 2016   Research Fellow
  • 2019-present Associate Investigator - QUT Centre for Data Science
  • 2012-2016 Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Science and Engineering Faculty, QUT.
    • During my role as a research fellow in QUT I worked on the following projects:
      • Autonomous Unsupervised Weed Scouting - Primary project supervisor.
      • Semi-automated power pole inspection (CRC-SI project) - Research Fellow.
      • RangerBot, a low-cost AUV - Research fellow.
      • Human Cues for Robot Navigation (ARC DP project) - Research fellow - PhD thesis supervisor.
      • Crown-of-thorns starfish bot (COTSBot) - Perception lead.
      • QUT Agricultural Robotics Program - Research fellow - PhD thesis supervisor.
      • Lifelong robotic navigation (ARC DP project) - Research fellow - PhD thesis supervisor.
  • 2009-2012 Tutor at the University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK

Awards and Award Finalist

2020    Australian Centre for Robotic Vision award for best-profile raising event in robotics and CV communities.

2019    Australian Centre for Robotic Vision award for Best Team Project.

2019    Australian Centre for Robotic Vision award for Best Centre Citizen.

2019    Certificate of appreciation in recognition of outstanding contribution to the 2019 QUT STEM Camp.

2018    Australian Centre for Robotic Vision award for best-profile raising event in robotics and CV communities.

2017    Finalist for Best Automation Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).

2016 Google X challenge, Popular vote award, RangerBot project.

2016 Finalist for the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes, Environmental Research.

2016    Award for being a Magnet for the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science QUT.

2015    Vice-chancellor’s Award, Queensland University of Technology.

Projects (Chief investigator)

Additional information

Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
Certificate of appreciation in recognition of outstanding contribution to the 2019 QUT STEM Camp
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
Australian Centre for Robotic Vision award for Best Centre Citizen
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
Australian Centre for Robotic Vision award for Best Team Project.
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
Award for best-profile raising event in robotics and CV communities (2018).
Editorial Role for an Academic Journal
Reference year
Associated editor for the IEEE RA-L Special Issue on Precision Agricultural Robotics and Autonomous Farming Technologies (2018).
Editorial Role for an Academic Journal
Reference year
Associate Editor, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
Finalist for the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes, Environmental Research, the CotsBot project.
Funding Award
Reference year
The people's choice vote in the Google Impact Challenge Australia.
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
QUT Vice Chancellor's Performance Award, 2015
ARC Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision (ACRV)
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Robotic Vision; Robotics; Computer Vision
  • Solving Manipulation Tasks With Implicit Neural Representations
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Niko Suenderhauf
  • Semi-Supervised Continual Active Learning for Robotic Object Detection
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Niko Suenderhauf
  • Uncertainty from Deep Ensembles for Computer Vision
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Niko Suenderhauf
  • Robot Localization in GPS-denied Urban Areas Using Cross-View Imagery Matching
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Michael Milford