Professor Yanming Feng

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Professor, School of Computer Science

PhD in Engineering (Wuhan Tech University of Surveying and Mapping)

Research theme: Data Science

Research discipline: Computer Science

Research area

Dr Yanming Feng is a Professor in data science, networks and navigation with the School of Computer Science, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. He received PhD, MSc, and BSc degrees in satellite geodesy and spatial science from Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (Wuhan University since 2000),Wuhan, China. His teaching subjects mainly include the computer science and electrical engineering areas including networks security, wireless mobile networks, research in IT practice, research methods for engineers and spacecraft dynamics and control. His active research areas include global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) algorithms, geodetic data analytics, satellite orbit determination and space debris monitoring, Internet of Things, precise positioning and deformation monitoring, vehicular networks and communications and machine learning applications. He published papers in the journals such as for geodesy, navigation, aerospace, sensors, remote sensing, vehicular networks, and intelligent transport systems. Prof Feng has supervised about 24 Higher Degree Research (HDR) students to completion. He has supervised and mentored post-doctoral fellows, research fellows funded by various awarded research projects since 2005. His research leaderships are highlighted by Chief Investigator roles within Cooperative Research Centre for Satellite Systems (CRCSS, 1999-2006) and 3 Australian Research Council (ARC) grants (2003 to 2007, 2015-2018) and Project Leader roles in Automotive CRC (2007-2013), CRC for Spatial Information (2007-2015) and Innovative Manufacturing CRC (2019 to 2022), and iMOVE CRC in 2020. Professor Feng served as the Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Global Positioning Systems from 2009 to 2013. He also served in the editorial board for the official journal “Engineering” of Chinese Academy of Engineering since 2019.

Yanming Feng worked for Wuhan Technical University  of Surveying and Mapping as a Lecturer from 1990 to 1992. He joined Queensland University of Technology as a Post-Doctoral Fellow from 1992 to 1995, and Research Fellow from 1995 to 1999. He served the duties of Research Fellow and Sensor Research Fellow for the Cooperative Research Centre for Satellite Systems (CRCSS) from 1999 to 2006. He served QUT as Associate Professor in 2006 and as Professor since 2010.

For perspective research students and researchers

Professor Feng supervised PhD and research master students for research topics related to GNSS, spatial data analytics, Internet of Things, vehicle networks and safety, deformations, satellite orbit determination, space debris monitoring, machine learning and deep learning applications in the related research areas.

Potential research areas for future PhD students

  • Fundamental GNSS data analytics and algorithms for millimetre precise positioning and millimetre geodesy
  • Machine learning approaches for geodetic data analytics, time series analysis, deformation analysis, navigation error analysis
  • Precise orbit determination and space debris monitoring
  • Precision Internet of Things (PIOT) networks, offload computing and industry applications
  • Vehicle to everything communications and positioning for road safety applications
  • Internet of Thing systems for water data acquisition, analytics, and services
  • Software-defined radio for satellite communications
  • Monitoring landslides using satellite  IoT and GNSS observations

Additional information

Yanming Feng has established engagement with government agencies and industry partners in the sectors including spatial information, geoscience, intelligent transportations, and mining and manufacturing. His real-world industry collaborations have focused on development of Internet of Things systems for GNSS-based automated deformation and landslide monitoring at millimeter position accuracy. He has also undertaken research collaborations for IoT solutions for water quality data acquisition and analytics and vehicle to everything communications for road safety.

Flood, pollution Drifter goes with the flow:

Advances in real-time Satellite Monitoring of flow in Rivers and Estuaries
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
  • Predicting 3D soil settlement using precise GNSS data and machine learning
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Tommy Chan
  • Feasibility Studies of Utilizing Geostationary Satellites As Network and Satellite Controllers for Non-Geostationary Satellites
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Glen Tian
  • Positioning Errors Modelling and Prediction Using Machine Learning Approaches
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Charles Wang
  • Enhancing Electronic Health Record Storage and Processing: A Distributed Model Leveraging MYCAT
    MPhil, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Jinglan Zhang