Tiri Pestrivas

PhD Candidate, Sports Data Science and AI Next Generation Graduates Program (NGGP)

  • Project Title: Hybrid Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and The Digital Athlete (TDA) Modelling
  • Partner Organisation:  South Australian Sports Institute (SASI)
  • PhD Candidate at QUT
  • Supervisors:  A/Prof Paul Wu and Prof Emilie Sauret

Tiri grew up in sunny Mildura, Victoria and completed his double degree in Engineering (Mechanical) and Science (Applied Mathematics) at Monash University in 2014. Since that time, he has been working across process development, R&D, plant operations, manufacturing, and IT, and had a stint in Japan working and studying as part of the Victorian Hamer Scholarship. He is excited to continue his learning and incorporate his industry experience and passion for sports to the NGGP. In his spare time, he likes to keep busy with music, baking sourdough, and a combination of basketball, cycling, running, swimming, and golf.

What made you interested in this project and/or program?

As a lifelong sportsperson, I’ve always appreciated the role of science and technology in sports, but only recently began exploring how I could merge this passion with my career. My search led me to QUT, and after attending a fantastic information session about the program I was excited about where the project was going and wanted to get involved. I feel fortunate to be part of this journey and eagerly look forward to contributing in any way that I can!

What research question(s) are you looking forward to exploring?

I’m fascinated by the prospect of developing a model that effectively integrates the diverse tools available for assessing aerodynamic performance. The excitement lies in envisioning its practical application – whether it’s aiding strategic decisions during races or optimising training and equipment. It’s my hope that this work contributes to shaving off crucial seconds, bringing teams and individuals closer to victory!

Fun fact about yourself?

I make an unbelievably good vegan Big Mac!