Associate Professor Shane Mathews

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Associate Professor School of Advertising, Marketing & PR

Doctor of Philosophy: international marketing (Queensland University of Technology), Bachelor of Business (Honours) (Queensland University of Technology)

Dr Shane Mathews is an Associate Professor with the QUT Business School who specializes in organizational transformation due to digitalization. He has more than 20 years in the area of marketing and international marketing strategy. Shane has more than 50 publications in the area of digital marketing strategy, international marketing and organizational dynamic capability. He also uses different country context to understand the diversity of innovation practice internationally within contemporary organizations so as to better map what capabilities are needed to facilitate future strategy; the digitalization nexus between future customers and future firms.  Shane is currently working on research projects in Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, China, Indonesia and Chile. Research interests

  • Internationalisation
  • Internet internationalisation
  • Accelerated internationalisation
  • International growth strategies
  • International entrepreneurship
  • SME internationalisation
  • Digital marketing: Virtual social networks and 3D virtual worlds


  • Innovation in Teaching Award, 2011, Vice Chancellors performance award, QUT
  • Highly commended conference paper, 2010, Australia & New Zealand International Business Academy, ANZIBA, Sydney
  • Beginning Teacher Award, 2007, Queensland University of Technology, Faculty of Business
  • Best Paper Award, 2006, Technology paper, International Council for Small Business - World Conference, ICSB
  • Sessional Teaching Award, 2005, Queensland University of Technology, Faculty of Business

Additional information

Dr Shane Mathews is an Associate Professor with the QUT Business School who specializes in organizational transformation due to digitalization. He has more than 20 years in the area of marketing and international marketing strategy. Shane has more than 50 publications in the area of digital marketing strategy, international marketing and organizational dynamic capability. He also uses different country context to understand the diversity of innovation practice internationally within contemporary organizations so as to better map what capabilities are needed to facilitate future strategy; the digitalization nexus between future customers and future firms.  Shane is currently working on research projects in Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, China, Indonesia and Chile.

  • The 'softer side' of digital entrepreneurship: examining the role of emotion and emotion regulation on internationalisation process
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Charmaine Glavas
  • How external enablers and its enabling mechanism facilitate the new venture creation in digital entrepreneurial ecosystem.
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Associate Professor Artemis Chang