Professor Raja Jurdak

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Professor of Distributed Systems and Chair in Applied Data Sciences, School of Computer Science

Doctor of Philosophy in Information and Computer Science (University of California)

I am a Professor of Distributed Systems & Chair in Applied Data Sciences, as well as the Director of the Trusted Networks Lab at Queensland University of Technology. My main research interest is around dynamic network modelling. Networks and network science provide powerful representation of physical and logical relationships to gain insights into a broad range of systems, from communication and cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things to individual and entity relationship networks and interactions to guide value-creating decisions. I am particularly interested in delivering end-to-end trust in data and systems involved in distributed networks, using tools such as blockchain and distributed ledger technology, understanding network dynamics driven by mobility to forecast diffusion processes, such as disease spread, and sustainable in-situ intelligence in networks. From 2008 to 2019, I was at CSIRO, where I established and led the Distributed Sensing Systems Group that spans Brisbane, Hobart, and Canberra, and is one of the leading large scale sensing group worldwide.  I currently maintain a visiting scientist role with the DSS Group. I have a PhD in Information and Computer Science at University of California, Irvine, an MS in Computer Networks and Distributed Computing from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UCI, and a BE in Computer and Communications Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at the American University of Beirut.

Professional Activities

  • Senior Member, IEEE
  • Technical Program Committee co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 2021
  • Editorial Board Member, Ad Hoc Networks Journal (2019-present)
  • Editorial Board Member, PLoS ONE (2018-present)
  • Editorial Board Member, Information Processing in Agriculture (2015-present)
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (2017-present)
  • Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (2017-present)
  • Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (2014-2017)


  • 2019: Eureka Prize Finalist (Excellence in Interdisciplinary Scientific Research) – DiNeMo project
  • 2016: Best paper award at Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks Conference
  • 2014: QLD iAwards Merit Award
  • 2011: Endeavour Executive Award
  • 2011: CSIRO Medal for Environmental Achievement

Career History

  • 2020-present: Director, Trusted Networks Lab, QUT
  • 2019-present: Professor of Distributed Systems & Chair in Applied Data Sciences, QUT
  • 2011-2019: Research Group Leader, Distributed Sensing Systems, CSIRO
  • 2017: Sensor Networks Group at Oxford University
  • 2016-2019: Senior Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Data61
  • 2011: CSAIL at MIT
  • 2010-2016: Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO
  • 2008-2009: Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO
  • 2006-2008: Research Fellow, University College Dublin, Ireland
  • 2005: Project Scientist, University of California, Irvine
  • 2003-2005: Research Assistant, University of California, Irvine

Web Links:

Google Scholar Profile

ResearchGate Profile

DBLP publications

Publons Profile

Personal Home Page

Trusted Networks Lab

Additional information

Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
The Disease Networks and Mobility project (DiNeMo) led by Prof. Jurdak was named as finalist for the UNSW Eureka Prize for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Scientific Research in July 2019. DiNeMo is a real-time surveillance system for human infectious diseases, such as dengue. By combining expertise, data and methods from epidemiology, transport engineering, biosecurity and data science, DiNeMo enables hospitals and biosecurity agencies to predict when and where a disease outbreak is likely to occur, enabling efficient diagnosis and treatment.
Editorial Role for an Academic Journal
Reference year
Prof. Jurdak is an editorial board member of the Ad Hoc Networks journal, published by Elsevier (Q1, Impact Factor: 3.490).
Visiting Professorships/Fellowships
Reference year
Prof. Jurdak was a visiting academic at the Sensor Networks Group at Oxford University in 2017
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
Co-authored titled "Information Bang for the Energy Buck: Towards Energy- and Mobility- Aware Tracking" won the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) in Graz, Austria in February, 2016.
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
Prof. Jurdak was granted an Endeavour Executive Award in 2011 for a visit to Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
Prof. Jurdak led a team that was granted a CSIRO Medal for Environmental Achievement for their work on a Smart Office System to improve energy efficiency.
  • Towards Blockchain Storage Scheme Optimisation for Large-Scale IoT Networks
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Ali Dorri
  • A Decentralised and Domain-specific Publish-Process-Subscribe Data Sharing Platform forSupply Chain Applications
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Gowri Ramachandran
  • Secure and Ecient Backup Through Universal Data Deduplication
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Shantanu Pal, Dr Gowri Ramachandran
  • Distributed and Privacy Preserving Analytics of Distributed Energy Trading Data
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Ali Dorri
  • Electric Vehicle Cyber-Attacks and their mitigation methods |
    MPhil, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Mahinda Vilathgamuwa