Dr Luisa Roeder

Research Fellow, Quantum Interaction Group, School of Information Systems


Luisa’s research lies in the fields of experimental motor and cognitive neuroscience. She is interested in the large-scale organisation of complex systems such as the brain and musculoskeletal system. Her current research is in the area of Quantum Cognition: she uses principles and mathematical structures of quantum physics to explain human cognition and decision making. For example, how humans make judgments of trust when they interact with AI systems. She uses electrophysiological techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG) and kinetic recordings during different cognitive and motor paradigms (e.g., walking, grasping movements) and in different populations including people with Parkinson’s disease. By combining data analysis techniques such as dynamic connectivity analysis, mode decomposition and graph theory, she tries to identify the key principles that organise the activity of large ensembles of neurons.