Dr Krishna Behara

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Research Fellow in Smart Cities, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)

Krishna Behara is a postdoctoral fellow in transport engineering at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia. He completed his PhD in transport engineering at QUT (Australia), his masters in transportation engineering and bachelors (hons.) in civil engineering at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (India). Krishna received the 2020 SIDRA SOLUTIONS Postgraduate Award for his PhD thesis titled ‘Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation Using Big Traffic Data: A Structural Perspective’. This award from ITE-ANZ and SIDRA SOLUTIONS is given to the most outstanding postgraduate student from a tertiary institution in Australia or New Zealand, based on the quality of his or her research and potential to make a significant contribution to the traffic and transport engineering profession. Research Projects with TMR Krishna is currently working on several transport projects in collaboration with TMR including
  • Road Safety: a) Statistical analysis of heavy vehicle crashes on Queensland’s state-controlled road network; b) Development of crash prediction models for a different crash and road types in Queensland
  • Data Analytics: Evaluation methods and data insights – a before-and-after study on a signalised corridor in Brisbane
  • Travel Behaviour: Study of travel behaviour using behavioural economics in Queensland
  • Active Transport: Understanding opportunities to encourage the use of Electric Bikes (e-bikes) in Queensland – gender and geographic analysis
  • Customer Behaviour: Peer review of Express Gates Customer Behaviour Trail project
HDR Research Supervision
  • Associate supervisor (Level-1 accreditation) for three MPhil student research projects.
  • Supervised semester projects of students pursuing master’s in data science
Research Project as Principal Investigator Krishna has been recently awarded $10,000 seed funding from Centre for Data Science, QUT. This funding is given to encourage early career researchers to prepare for an external grant application. The project is ongoing and is about "Traffic Anomalies Detection using Multi-context Data Analysis: A Case Study on the Brisbane Network". Other Relevant Work Experiences Prior to joining QUT, Krishna worked as Consultant Engineer (Transport) at National Rural Roads Development Agency, Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi, India; and as Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, ANITS (India). Research Interests His research interests include transport data analytics, traffic modelling and simulation, travel behavior, behavioral econometrics, and discrete choice models.

Additional information

Consultant Engineer (Transport) National Rural Roads Development Agency, Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi, India 2014-2015
  • Detailed Scrutiny Analysis of Proposals for Roads (Detailed Project Reports) received from different States of India.
  • Preparing Pre-Empowered Committee and Empowered Committee presentations of the respective states that submit road/bridge proposals for sanction.
  • Assisted Director (Technical) in drafting and designing Pavement Design Catalogues on IIT Pave Software for the Cement Stabilized bases and sub-bases & for Granular bases and sub-bases to successfully incorporate in the revised code of IRC SP-72:2015.
  • Involved in the Research and Development activities like, co-ordinating the research proposals received from various IITs, NITs, Central Universities and top Private Universities in India by receiving the research proposals submitted to NRRDA for funding, reviewing them, co-coordinating the research proposal presentations by Principal Investigators in the presence of the Expert Group, preparing the minutes of meeting and managing the logistics.
Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
Winner of the 2020 SIDRA SOLUTIONS Postgraduate Award! Krishna received this award for his PhD thesis titled "Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation Using Big Traffic Data: A Structural Perspective".Each year, the SIDRA SOLUTIONS Postgraduate Award is given to the most outstanding postgraduate student from a tertiary institution in Australia or New Zealand, based on the quality of his or her research and potential to make a significant contribution to the traffic and transport engineering profession.ITEANZ and SIDRA SOLUTIONS are proud partners in this award.
Funding Award
Reference year
Krishna was awarded $10,000 seed funding from the Centre for Data Science, QUT in the 2021 round. This funding is given to encourage early career researchers to prepare for an external grant application.
Reviewer for an Academic Journal
Reference year
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board is one of the most cited and prolific transportation journals in the world, offering unparalleled depth and breadth in the coverage of transportation-related topics. TRR Journal publishes outstanding, peer-reviewed papers presenting research findings in policy, planning, administration, economics and financing, operations, construction, design, maintenance, safety, and more, for all modes of transportation. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).