Dr Javier Cortes Ramirez

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Lecturer, School of Public Health and Social Work

PhD (University of Queensland)

Javier is a medical professional experienced in data science and epidemiological research in public health. He is interested in developing analyses to identify the association of environmental determinants such as bushfires, urban developments and mining with morbidity in the Australian population. Javier's professional experience spans three major areas of medicine; clinical practice, medical management and epidemiological research, and teaching in health. He has participated as a specialist to support the implementation of national and regional health programs and strategies in Latin America, Indonesia, India, and the Pacific, in consultancy with the World Health Organisation. He is the chief investigator of an international research collaboration between the World Health Organisation collaboration centre for children’s health and the University of Santander.

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Current Projects

  • Predicting the risk of respiratory diseases associated with bushfire smoke in Queensland
  • Mapping the morbidity risk associated with coal mining in Queensland
  • Environmental risk factors associated with respiratory diseases in North of Santander, Colombia


  • A conceptual framework of the relationship between the unconventional gas industry and the host farmers in Queensland
  • Disability inclusive practices and the well-being of workers with disabilities in the Vietnamese hospitality sector

Most recent publications

  • Cortes-Ramirez, J., Wraith, D., Sly, P. D., & Jagals, P. (2022, Jan 21). Mapping the Morbidity Risk Associated with Coal Mining in Queensland, Australia. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19031206
  • Cortes-Ramirez, J., Michael, R. N., Knibbs, L. D., Bambrick, H., Haswell, M. R., & Wraith, D. (2021, Oct 22). The association of wildfire air pollution with COVID-19 incidence in New South Wales, Australia. Sci Total Environ, 151158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151158
  • Cortes-Ramirez, J., Vilcins, D., Jagals, P., & Soares Magalhaes, R. J. (2021, Jun). Environmental and sociodemographic risk factors associated with environmentally transmitted zoonoses hospitalisations in Queensland, Australia. One Health, 12, 100206. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2020.100206
  • Cortes-Ramirez, J., Wilches-Vega, J. D., Paris-Pineda, O. M., Rod, J. E., Ayurzana, L., & Sly, P. D. (2021, Apr). Environmental risk factors associated with respiratory diseases in children with socioeconomic disadvantage. Heliyon, 7(4), e06820. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06820
  • Simao, D. D. C., Karanikas, N., Cortes-Ramirez, J., & Sav, A. (2021). Workplace Health and Safety Consultation in Australia: A Scoping Review. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment, 37(2)
  • Vilcins, D., Cortes-Ramirez, J., Currie, D., & Preston, P. (2021, May 26). Early environmental exposures and life-long risk of chronic non-respiratory disease. Paediatr Respir Rev. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prrv.2021.05.004
  • J.E. Rod, Oviedo-Trespalacios O., Cortes-Ramirez J. A brief-review of the risk factors for covid-19 severity. Rev. Saúde Pública. 2020.
  • Prist PR et al. Cross-boundary collaboration is crucial for mitigating the impacts of deforestation and fires in the Amazon. Science. 2019.
  • Cortes-Ramirez J., Sly PD., Ng J., Jagals P. Incorporation of human epidemiological evidence to assess the impacts of coal mining on public health. Reviews on Environmental Health. 2019.
  • Cortes-Ramirez J., Naish S., Sly PD., Jagals P. Mortality and morbidity in populations in the vicinity of coal mining: a systematic review. BMC Public Health. 2018
  • Cortes-Ramirez J, Naish S, Jagals P.  International Classification of Diseases Codes of Morbidity and Mortality in Populations in the Vicinity of Coal Mining. Environ Health Perspectives. 2017