PhD (Queensland University of Technology), Master of Commerce in Property (Curtin University of Technology)
Research areas: Within the broad field of property economics, Dr Connie Susilawati and her research team have defined three main research areas
- Sustainable property and infrastructure
- Multi-stakeholder partnerships
- International issues related to real estate education, property and infrastructure delivery management
Sustainable property and infrastructure
- sustainable property and infrastructure investment
- property and infrastructure valuation and finance
- impact of climate change on asset life cycle
- affordable and sustainable housing development and management.
- senior living adaptation and innovation
Multi-stakeholder Partnerships
- inventive problem solving and decision making approach
- partnerships and relationship management
- organisation and change management.
International Issues Related to Real Estate Education, Property and Infrastructure Delivery Management
- real estate education
- contract and procurement
- construction management
- operation management.
Grants Dr Susilawati and her research team have been granted funds to conduct the following research projects Sustainable Property and Infrastructure
- Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage grant. Project Title: "From innovators to mainstream market: A toolkit for transforming Australian housing and maximising sustainability outcomes for stakeholders".
- Smart Service Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) grant, Project Title: "Future of Sustainable Rural and Regional Communities, Retail and Manufacturing Sectors and Citizen Service Delivery".
- Australian Indonesia Infrastructure Research Awards: "Sanitation Infrastructure for the Future".
- Australian Leadership Award Fellowships Round 12. “Public Asset management and Valuation: Response to Climate Change”. 10 June to 5 July 2013.
- QUT appointment to panel of experts to provide technical services in the energy efficiency field relating to the build environment for Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency start (1 February 2013 and finish 1 February 2016).
- Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) grant. Project Title: “Risk-assessment Practices in the Private Rental Sector: Implications for low-income renters”
- Research Coaching Scheme grant
- Vacation Research Experience Scholarship 2006/2007 as research mentor for Project Title: “Housing Transaction Model for Auction and Private Treaty Sales"
Multi-stakeholder Partnerships
- In-kind support from Community Housing Organisation for Project Title: “Risk-assessment and management of affordable housing investment which require stakeholder partnership arrangement”
- Faculty Early Career Research Grant for Project Title: “Strategic Investment Issues in Public-Private Sector Partnerships in the Transport Sector”
- External Relation Initiatives Grant for Project Title: “Network Building on Public-Private Partnerships of Infrastructure Delivery in Queensland”.
International Issues Related to Real Estate Education, Property and Infrastructure Delivery Management
- Teaching and Learning grant: "Holistic Course Review"
- Teaching and Learning grant: "Development of self learning resources on Integrated Development Assessment System (IDAS)"
- AusAid Project: IASTPIII international training program on “Asset Appraisal for Financial Restructuring and Regional Autonomy”
- Invited speaker on 2nd International conference on ‘Valuing Infrastructure and Utilities Properties’, July 2007, Bangkok, Thailand
Awards and recognition
- December 2011: Vice chancellor's Perfomance Award
- January 2009: The best paper award entitled “Can Risk Management boost the supply of Affordable Housing Development and Management?” sponsored by the International Journal Housing and Market Analysis at the 15th Pacific Rim Real Estate Conference, Sydney, Australia
- January 2009: The best referred paper award entitled “Property Education: An evaluation of how well undergraduate property students are prepared for commencing their careers” at the 15th Pacific Rim Real Estate Conference, Sydney, Australia
- July 2005: CIB Best Paper award entitled “Partnerships in affordable housing: the impact of conflicting investment criteria” at the 3rd CIB Student Chapters International Symposium, Brisbane, Australia
- 2003-2005: International Postgraduate Research Scholarship for PhD, Partial scholarship from the School of Construction Management and Property for PhD candidacy
- 2004: Grant in Aid Awards, Queensland University Technology
- 2001: Favourite lecturer in School of Management at Petra Christian University
- 1994-1996: Petra Christian University Scholarship tenable at the Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia.
Career history
2003 - Present:Senior Lecturer at School of Urban Development, QUT (Brisbane, Australia) for
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Property Economics)
- Master of Property Economics
2002 - 2003: Head of Division of Finance, Administration and System Management (Department of City Management) at PT. Ciputra Surya, Surabaya Indonesia. PT. Ciputra Surya is a developer of the biggest master planned community development project, a self-contained city (1,385 hectares land area), in Eastern of Indonesia. 1992 - 2003: Lecturer at Petra Christian University (Surabaya, Indonesia) in
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Management (Real Estate Management)
- Postgraduate Programs in Civil Engineering
- Construction Management
- Property Management
- Building Science
1989 - 1992: Assistant Lecturer at Petra Christian University (Surabaya, Indonesia) for Bachelor of Civil Engineering.
Additional information
Within the broad field of property economics, Dr Connie Susilawati and her research team have strong collaborations with
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- PRDNationwide Pty Ltd
- Townsville City Council
- Finlay Homes
- Electriq Pty Ltd
- Metecno Pty Limited t/a "Bondor"
- Univerisy of Diponegoro, Indonesia
- Local Governments in South East Queensland
- Queensland Rail
- Queensland Deparment of Housing and Public Works
- Queensland Department of Main Roads
- Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines
- Smart Service CRC
- CRC for Construction Innovation
Professional and community service roles
- 2014-now: Australian Research Council Assessor
- 2012-2015: RICS External Examination visit at University of Queensland
- 2010-present: member Housing Affordability Task Force (HATF) Sunshine Coast Regional Council
- 2010-present:Editorial member of Pacific Rim Property Research Journal
- 2012-2015: Convener International Feasibility Competition
- 2012-2013: Technical Committee member of World Building Congress 2013
- 2010-2012: Convener PRRES case competition
- Peer reviewer for annual PRRES conference, ICCREM 2010
- Reviewer panel for International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis (IJHMA), Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment Journal, International Journal of Strategic Property Management
- December 2009: Invited speaker on 3rd Annual Housing Affordability Congress, Stamford Plaza Brisbane
- January 2010: Co-organiser of the Postgraduate Colloquium in Wellington
- 2004 - Present: Current committee member of the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) Queensland branch
- 2001-2003, 2006-2008, 2009-2015: Board Member of PRRES (Pacific Rim Real Estate Society)
- January 2007: PRRES 2007 Postgraduate Colloquium Organiser (Perth)
- 2005 - Present: Member of selection panel for academic (associate lecturer, lecturer and Professorship) and research only candidate in the Faculty of BEE
- 2006: Judging panellist, Faculty of BEE scholarship award
- August 2005: Organising student/ employer evening in conjunction with Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
- July 2005: Chair of the 3rd CIB Student Chapters International Symposium, Brisbane, Australia
- 2005: Committee member of QUT Research Week
- 2005: Co-coordinator of Student/employer night by RICS Queensland branch
- 2004: Active involvement in Faculty of BEE QUT Quinquennial external reviews
- March 2002: Coordinator for the Construction Management theme for the International Conference on Advancement in Design, Construction Management and Maintenance of Building Structures, Bali-Indonesia
- 2001-2003: Head of Public Relations for alumni association of PCU
- 2002: Property educator representatives for review of Indonesian Valuation Standard which referred to International Valuation Standards
- 1996-2001: Committee member of alumni association of PCU in the field of education
- October 1998, May 1999: Chair for the Graduation Ceremonies
- 1997: Executive secretary of culture night for farewell and welcome rector
- 1997: Senior consultant Sidoarjo project: a feasibility study of housing project which has to build new main access and has power line in the project
- 1996-1997: Group member inter-disciplinary community outreach program directed towards encouraging villages involvement in optimising their local resources.
- Shaw-Williams, D., Susilawati, C. & Walker, G. (2018). Value of residential investment in photovoltaics and batteries in networks: A techno-economic analysis. Energies, 11(4). https://eprints.qut.edu.au/223739
- Wong, S., Susilawati, C., Miller, W. & Mardiasmo, D. (2018). Improving information gathering and distribution on sustainability features in the Australian residential property market. Journal of Cleaner Production, 184, 342–352. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/116277
- Indraswari, K., Friedman, R., Noske, R., Shepherd, C., Biggs, D., Susilawati, C. & Wilson, C. (2020). It's in the news: Characterising Indonesia's wild bird trade network from media-reported seizure incidents. Biological Conservation, 243, 1–12.
- Shaw-Williams, D. & Susilawati, C. (2020). A techno-economic evaluation of Virtual Net Metering for the Australian community housing sector. Applied Energy, 261, 1–13. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/197350
- Susilawati, C., (2018). Multi-stakeholder partnership promotes sustainable housing supply chain. In T. Dixon, S. Sayce, N. Miller & S. Wilkinson (Eds.), Routledge handbook of sustainable real estate (pp. 375–389). Routledge. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/117611
- Sunarharum, T., Sloan, M. & Susilawati, C. (2014). Re-framing planning decision-making: increasing flood resilience in Jakarta. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 5(3), 230–242. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/75509
- Al Surf, M., Trigunarsyah, B. & Susilawati, C. (2013). Saudi Arabia's sustainable housing limitations: the experts' views. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 2(3), 251–271. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/64996
- Susilawati, C. & Armitage, L. (2010). Affordable housing solutions: affordable housing providers' perspective. Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, 16(3), 273–290. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/39763
- Newell, G., Susilawati, C. & Yam, S. (2010). Student perceptions of the quality of property education in Australia: 1994 - 2009. Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, 16(14), 400–422. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/37746
- Short, P., Seelig, T., Warren, C., Susilawati, C. & Thompson, A. (2008). No 117-Risk-assessment practices in the private rental sector: implications for low-income renters- AHURI Final Report. AHURI Final Report, 117, 1–81. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/28804
- Title
- From innovators to mainstream market: a toolkit for transforming Australian housing and maximising sustainability outcomes for stakeholders
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- LP130100650
- Start year
- 2014
- Keywords
- Housing supply chain; Building performance; Residential construction processes
- Improving Access to Housing for Low-Income Communities in Dhaka: From Rhetoric to Reality in Community Participation (2015)
- Who Really Pays for Urban Infrastructure? The impact of developer infrastructure charges on housing affordability in Brisbane, Australia (2015)
- Challenges Facing the Application of Sustainability to Housing in Saudi Arabia (2014)
- Local Development Planning and Community Empowerment in Decentralised Indonesia: the Role of Local Planning in Improving Self Organising Capabilities of Local Communities in Takalar, Indonesia (2013)
- Rating for sustainable subdivision neighbourhood design (RSSND): Case of Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR), Thailand. An eco-efficiency modelling approach (2013)
- A Public Asset Management Framework for Indonesian Local Governments (2012)
- Sustainable Housing for Residential- Industrial Neighbourhood in Malaysia: A Study on the Elements of Indoor Environment Quality Improvement (2007)