Associate Professor Chun Ouyang

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Co-leader, Responsible Data Science & AI Program, Senior Lecturer, School of Information Systems

PhD in Computer Systems Engineering (Uni of South Australia)

I embarked on my academic career when I joined QUT as a post-doctoral research fellow in 2004. My research interests focus on business process management (BPM) and also lie in the relevant areas such as service computing, modelling and verification using nets. In the area of BPM, my research contributes to several key disciplinary themes including business process modelling and verification, business process automation, data-driven process analytics (incl. process mining and process querying), BPM in the cloud, and more recently, robotic process automation.

  • I invite you to visit ‘Experience’ page for more details of my current research topics, and I welcome any genuine interest in studying or collaborating with me on the topics

I am an active researcher and I aim for research outcomes of high quality and impact. According to Google Scholar, I have an h-index of 26 and my publications have attracted over 4,093 citations. To date I have published 65 refereed publications, including two edited conference/workshop proceedings, five book chapters, 18 journal articles, and 40 conference/workshop papers. My first-authored publication in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), a top international journal in the field of computer science, has so far attracted over 230 citations according to Google Scholar. My research papers also appear in other top-tier international journals such as Decision Support Systems, Information Systems, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, IEEE Internet Computing, Software and Systems Modeling.

  • Refer to 'Publications' page for a list of my ten selected publications and to my DBLP page in computer science bibliography for my research papers and reports to date

Another important initiative on my research agenda is attracting research incomes. To date I have been awarded five Category 1 Australian Competitive Grants, including four ARC Discovery Projects (DPs) and one Australia-China Science and Research Fund (ACSRF) project. In addition, I have two international joint research projects with Sun Yat-sen University in China, a commercial research project funded by Australian Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc), a research project with former National ICT Australia (NICTA), and a stimulus grant with Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI and as an associate investigator).

(Information is up to date as on 08/11/2019)

Additional information

I am inspired and strongly motivated by research-driven innovation. I enjoy teamwork and welcome collaboration with those who share common research value and interests with me. I understand the importance of industry-informed research and enjoy working with industry partners who respect and value research and researchers. Based on my substantial research experience in the past 14 years, I believe that a true researcher is genuine, passionate and dedicated, conducts deep thinking and deep work, and has an ongoing interest in pursuing new ideas and knowledge creation. I admire true research leaders not in how big a team they lead but in how they lead their team. I believe a true research leader is a true researcher who is self-leading (with strong personal commitment) and leading others (by being able to motivate, inspire, engage, and instil a positive attitude into the team). True research leaders do not only drive an initiative but also they deep 'dive' with their team in tackling research challenges. Below is a list of my current major research initiatives. More details of the research topics (including background, overview, and some earlier thoughts) can be found on my project pages on QUT research topics for Science and Engineering students. If you are interested in studying or collaborating in the context of any of these topics from either scientific or practical perspective, please feel free to contact me.

Guided Process Analytics (QUT project page)

  • New methods and techniques for querying process event logs to retrieve, aggregate, and/or infer relevant and reliable data for process analysis
  • A 'tool box' of data-driven process analysis capabilities (in the forms of e.g., methods, algorithms, techniques) motivated by and to inform actionable recommendations for process improvement
  • Systematic approach for generating log requirements to guide data curation for continuous (and automated) process analytics

My past and recent publications related to or leading into this initiative:

(Process-oriented) Organisational Mining (QUT project page)

  • New/improved methods and algorithms for organisational model mining built upon suitable data mining techniques
  • Novel approach and models for discovering, reasoning, and analysing (intra-)organisational and inter-organisational networks by leveraging existing social network analysis capabilities
  • New tools and visualisation of the discovered organisational networks
  • Knowledge discovery from process event logs for organisational improvement informed by management science

My recent publication under this initiative:

BPM in the Cloud (QUT project page)

  • Design of generic and scalable system architecture
  • Architectural solution built on and empowered by microservices
  • Performance evaluation framework for Cloud-based BPMS
  • Workload balancing strategies to support (stateful) process execution
  • SLA, pricing model, and computing cost for BPM-as-a-Service (BPMaaS)
  • System reliability issues such as data management, access control and security

My recent publications under this initiative:

(Information is up to date as on 01/12/2018)

Re-Engineering Enterprise Systems for Microservices in the Cloud
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Improved Business Decision-Making via Liquid Process Model Collections
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
process mining; process model collection; business process management
Collaboration with Beijing Jiaotong University to build Australia-China research-industry collaboration in service and process innovation
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Business Process Management; Service Engineering
Cost-aware business process management
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Information System; Business Process Model; Workflow Management; Management Accounting
Risk-Aware Business Process Management
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
Risk Management; Information System; Business Process Model; Workflow Management