PhD (University of Toronto), Diplom-Geologe (Free University of Berlin), Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (Queensland University of Technology)
2014: Senior Lecturer (QUT) 2013: Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (QUT) 2012 - 2014: Lecturer (ECARD program, QUT) 2010 - 2012: Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) at the Western Australian Geothermal Centre of Excellence (UWA, CSIRO) 2009 - 2010: Postdoctoral researcher at the Western Australian Geothermal Centre of Excellence (UWA, CSIRO) 2004 - 2009: PhD at the University of Toronto, Tectonophysics laboratory (Prof. A. R. Cruden) 2002 - 2004: Diplom in Geology and Palaeontology (Master-equivalent) at Freie Universität Berlin Germany (Prof. M. R. Handy)Additional information
- Elphick, K., Sloss, C., Regenauer-Lieb, K. & Schrank, C. (2021). Distribution, microphysical properties, and tectonic controls of deformation bands in the Miocene subduction wedge (Whakataki Formation) of the Hikurangi subduction zone. Solid Earth, 12(1), 141–170. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/208850
- Schrank, C., Gioseffi, K., Blach, T., Gaede, O., Hawley, A., Milsch, H., Regenauer-Lieb, K. & Radlinski, A. (2020). Tracking metamorphic dehydration reactions in real time with transmission small- and wide-angle synchrotron X-ray scattering: the case of gypsum dehydration. Journal of Petrology, 61(6). https://eprints.qut.edu.au/199083
- Wiemer, D., Schrank, C., Murphy, D., Wenham, L. & Allen, C. (2018). Earth's oldest stable crust in the Pilbara Craton formed by cyclic gravitational overturns. Nature Geoscience, 11(5), 357–361. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/223805
- Schrank, C., Karrech, A., Boutelier, D. & Regenauer-Lieb, K. (2017). A comparative study of Maxwell viscoelasticity at large strains and rotations. Geophysical Journal International, 211(1), 252–262. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/114869
- Schrank, C., Karrech, A., Boutelier, D. & Regenauer-Lieb, K. (2016). Ductile deformation of single inclusions in simple shear with a finite-strain hyperelastoviscoplastic rheology. In S. Mukherjee & KF. Mulchrone (Eds.), Ductile shear zones: From micro- to macro-scales (pp. 46–58). Wiley-Blackwell. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/95347
- Wiemer, D., Schrank, C., Murphy, D. & Hickman, A. (2016). Lithostratigraphy and structure of the early Archaean Doolena Gap greenstone belt, East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia. Precambrian Research, 282, 121–138. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/222547
- Hansma, J., Tohver, E., Schrank, C., Jourdan, F. & Adams, D. (2016). The timing of the Cape Orogeny: New 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on deformation and cooling of the Cape Fold Belt, South Africa. Gondwana Research, 32, 122–137. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/222063
- Karrech, A., Schrank, C. & Regenauer-Lieb, K. (2015). A parallel computing tool for large-scale simulation of massive fluid injection in thermo-poro-mechanical systems. Philosophical Magazine, 95(28 - 30), 3078–3102. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/100689
- Fusseis, F., Xiao, X., Schrank, C. & De Carlo, F. (2014). A brief guide to synchrotron radiation-based microtomography in (structural) geology and rock mechanics. Journal of Structural Geology, 65, 1–16. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/70743
- Schrank, C., Fusseis, F., Karrech, A. & Regenauer-Lieb, K. (2012). Thermal-elastic stresses and the criticality of the continental crust. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13(9), 1–21. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/59816
- Tectonic Evolution of the Early Archaean Doolena Gap Greenstone Belt, East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia (2017)
- Stream & Groundwater Responses to Episodic Recharge: Integrating Time-Series Analysis & Environmental Tracers (2016)
- Hydrostratigraphic and Hydrochemical Characterisation of Aquifers, Aquitards and Coal Seams in the Galilee and Eromanga Basins, Central Queensland, Australia (2015)
- Analysis and modelling of the hydraulic conductivity in aquitards: application to the Galilee Basin and the Great Artesian Basin, Australia (2014)
- Millimetre-Scale Localisation of Strain and Dissolution in Oolitic Grainstone (2018)
- Putting Absolute, In-Situ U-Pb Ages to Early-Archaean Deformation Events in the Muccan Granitic Complex, East Pilbara Terrane (2018)
- On Carbonate Alteration Zones in a Greenstone Keel of the East Pilbara Terrane (Doolena Gap Greenstone Belt) (2017)