Dr Catherine Kim

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences

PhD (University of Queensland)

I am a marine scientist working on the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program in the Rubble and Decision Science sub-programs with Professors Scott Bryan and Michael Bode (School of Mathematical Sciences), respectively. Currently, I am working on predicting coral rubble generation across the Great Barrier Reef and assessing risks of interventions.

I am also leading a group from the Brisbane Floods Hackathon led by Dr Kate Saunders and Associate Professor Kate Helmstedt developing a flood vulneratvility index for Brisbane City.

Previously, I was a science field team member for the XL Catlin Seaview Survey and contributed to the automated image analysis of coral reef benthic images in the Indo-Pacific. My PhD research was assessed drivers of benthic composition, reef cryptofaunal communities, and coral health in Timor-Leste in the Coral Reef Ecosystems Laboratory at The University of Queensland. I have been successful in obtaining over 100,000 AUD for research including the Society for Conservation Biology's Small Grant, 2019 Elodie Sandford Explorer Award from, and the Estate of Winifred Violet Scott Grant. In 2022, I was a Finalist in the Queensland Women in STEM Awards.

Additional information

I co-organise the Geospatial Community upskilling students and professionals in geospatial sciences and the R Ladies Brisbane Chapter promoting gender diversity in coding. Check out the R Ladies Brisbane Youtube channel.

I have also been active in science outreach as a Young Science Ambassador for the Wonder of Science (WoS) program. WoS promotes a culture of STEM in Queensland through school visits and assisting with curriculum aligned Challenge Tasks. In 2019, I was the Ambassador for the Airlie Beach Flying Scientist Program.

Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
Reference year
The Queensland Women in STEM prize recognises Queensland women who make an outstanding contribution in the fields of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) and inspires women and girls to get involved!Every day, our internationally renowned leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are applying their expertise to ensure economic prosperity and sustainability and enhance community wellbeing. Advancements in gender equality have supported more women and girls to be able to fully and freely participate in the vast opportunities Queensland has to offer. The contribution of women and girls to the STEM field in Queensland is profound. However, women continue to remain underrepresented as leaders and under recognised for their contribution across many domains. This particularly includes the STEM industries.The 2023 Queensland Women in STEM Prize recognises the valuable contribution of Queensland women working in STEM careers and aims to inspire wome
Membership of Learned Societies
Reference year
The Australian Coral Reef Society is the oldest organisation in the world concerned with the study and protection of coral reefs, and it has played a significant role in the nation’s history.The society evolved from the Great Barrier Reef Committee, founded in 1922 to promote research and conservation on the Great Barrier Reef. The committee facilitated the historic 1928-1929 Great Barrier Reef Expedition and it founded, then managed, the Heron Island Research Station – Australia’s first coral reef field research station.ACRS has played a prominent role in bringing major conservation issues to the attention of governments and the general public, notably the crown-of-thorn starfish outbreaks and the Royal Commission into oil drilling on the Great Barrier Reef which was the catalyst for the establishment of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.While the Society has historically concentrated on the Great Barrier Reef, its focus has expanded to include all coral ree
Membership of Learned Societies
Reference year
The Geological Society of Australia was established as a non-profit organisation in 1952 to promote, advance and support Earth sciences in Australia.Mission StatementVision: Earth Science is a driver for a better world.Description: The Geological Society of Australia represents all Earth Science disciplines.Mission: The Mission of the Geological Society of Australia is to promote and advance Earth Science.
  • Coral rubble cover on the Great Barrier Reef: A spatial baseline and temporal context |
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Scott Bryan