Azumah Mamudu is currently studying a PhD in the School of Information Systems at Queensland University of Technology. He holds a BSc. in Accounting and Information Systems and an MSc. In Information Systems. He has expertise in database systems, requirements engineering, agile development and IT project management. Azumah has previous experience in managing databases and teaching at the tertiary level.
Currently a member of the QUT BPM group, he is keen about process-oriented data research. His PhD focuses on the impact of process mining in organisations. He seeks to conceptualise the notion of impact in the process mining domain, identifying the moderating and mediating factors of process mining impact. The intended outcome of his study is to provide a detailed categorisation of impact in process mining (the dependant variable), a synthesis of the core moderating and mediating factors of process mining impact (the independent variables) and guiding principles for ascertaining process mining impact in organisations.
Research Interests
Process mining impact, Process mining success, Process mining in practice