PhD in Engineering (The University of Melbourne)
- Advance Queensland Fellow and Smart Queensland Fellow
- Director: Advanced Drying and Sustainable Energy Research (ADSER) Group (https://research.qut.edu.au/adser/)
- Course Leader: Master of Engineering Management, QUT
- Academic Lead: International and Engagement
Background: Dr Azharul Karim is currently working as a Professor in the School of Mechanical, Medical & Process Engineering (MMPE), Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and the director of Advanced Drying and Sustainable Energy Research (ADSER) Group (https://research.qut.edu.au/adser/). His research is directed towards uncovering fundamental understanding of drying process by developing advanced multiscale and multiphase models using theoretical/computational and experimental methodologies. Through his scholarly, innovative, high quality research, he has established his national and international standing in his field. He has authored over 230 peer-reviewed articles, including 140 high quality Journal Papers, five books and 13 book chapters. His papers have attracted more than 7000 Scholar citations with h-index of 46. He is the editor/board member of six reputed journals including Drying Technology and Nature Scientific Reports. He has been keynote/distinguished speaker at scores of international conferences including International Drying Symposium (2022) and invited/keynote speaker in seminars in many reputed universities including Oxford University (2018) and the University of Illinois (2022). He has been awarded 21 research grants amounting about A$4 million and won multiple international awards for his outstanding contributions in multidisciplinary fields. He is the recipient of highly prestigious ARC Linkage (2021) and ARC Discovery grants (2022) at first chief investigator. He is also a leader in innovative application of ‘Lean Manufacturing’ concepts in hospital emergency departments to reduce long waiting times and optimize resources. Dr Karim is the inventor of many innovative new products including (1) Ultrasonic washing machine (patent WO02089652) (2) Ultrasonic dishwasher (patent WO0229148) (3) Advanced independent solar drying system (Patent 2019900943) and (4) Integrated heat pump, vacuum and microwave convective drying system (Patent 2019900942). Dr Karim’s high-level achievements in both fundamental and applied research in the important area of Advanced Drying and Microwave Heating has established him as one of the world’s leading researchers in these fields as demonstrated by his Field Weighted Citation Impacts (FWCI) of 2.24 and 9.82 respectively.
Broad Areas of Research
* Multi-scale and Physics Based Modelling in Drying
* Renewable Energies and Sustainable Processing
* Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Modelling in Agri-industrial Processes
* Nano fluid solar thermal storage
* Concentrating PV-thermal collector
* Thermal Storage
* Lean Manufacturing and Lean Healthcare System
Successful Grants:
- $430K, ARC DP (2022-25) A Concurrent Multiscale Model for Improved Prediction of Drying (DP220103668) (First CI).
- $505K, ARC Linkage (2021-24) Novel Multilevel Modelling Framework to Design Advanced Food Drying Process (LP200100493) (First CI).
- $60K, World Bank Project, Development Oleogels for Healthy Food Applications (First CI).
- A$46,260 (2019) ANSTO (Australia's Nuclear Sci. and Tech. Org.) grant, Investigation of Microstructural Changes in Plant Based Food Materials during Drying (1st CI)
- A$555K, Advanced Queensland Fellowship (AQF), Intelligent Microwave Assisted Convective Dryer for Agri Products, 2016–2020 (Sole CI)
- A$ 300,000 (AED790,000), UAEU program for advanced research (UPAR) grant, Valorization of Lost Dates and Processing By-Products (VALORDATE), 2015–19, (CI)
- A$220,000 Queensland government Smart Future Fellowship grant, Development of an Efficient and Cost Effective Solar Drying System, 2012–2015 (Sole CI).
- A$60,000 PNG University of Technology grant, solar assisted microwave drying (2017–2019) (1st CI).
- A$80,000, Vietnam International Education Development (VIED) grant, Investigation into Phase Transition Properties and Stickiness of Dairy Based Infant Formula Powders, (2014–18); (Sole CI)
- $20,000, CSIRO (2012–2014), Investigation of Radiation Flux Profile of PTC Solar Collector (CI)
- A$314,682, CRC for Infrastructure Engineering Asset Management, Integration Project, (2008–2011) (CI).
- A$5,000 CSIRO on Prime grant (2016) (1st CI).
International Successful Grants
- A$9000 (SR 25,000), King Abdul Aziz University Grant, Saudi Arabia 2015 (Role: External CI)
- A$20,000 (SR54,000), Sustainable Procurement, King Abdul Aziz University Grant, Saudi Arabia, 2017; (CI)
- S$1.1 M, Development of ultrasonic washing machine, Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB) under Innovation Development Scheme (IDS). (1999–2001) (1st CI).
Additional information
Dr Karim has experience in working in both academic and industry environments. His recent work history is listed below:
Professor: 2022- ongoing
Associate Professor: 2019-2022
Senior Lecturer: 2012–2019
Lecturer: 2008–2012
Research fellow: RMIT University, Melbourne, 2006–2008
Head of R & D: JCS Automation Pte Ltd, Singapore, 1999–2002
Leadership Roles
Academic Lead, International and Engagement- 2022- present
Major Coordinator, Master of Engineering Management (BN87) 2010–present
Subject Area Coordinator, Professional Masters course EN55 2017–present
Director of Advanced Drying and Sustainable Energy Research (ADSER) 2012–present
SEF Professional Development Leave (PDL) Committee member 2018–2019
Secretary, 14th GCMM conference, 5-7 Dec 2018, QUT, Brisbane
Keynote speaker in world-class universities: Due to Professor Karim’s research leadership in the field, he has been invited to deliver seminars in many universities around the world including in the UK, USA, Switzerland, Belgium, Australia, Italy, Singapore, and Japan. He has delivered more than 20 such invited seminars in universities of excellent standing. Some recent seminars are listed below:
- University of Illinois, 1 July 2022 (scheduled), Center for Advanced Research in Drying (CARD), Advanced Drying Methods
- Auckland University, 3 July 2019, Microscale modelling of food drying
- KU Leuven, Belgium, 18 September, 2018, Multiphase multiscale modelling of fruits during drying.
- EMPA, Switzerland, 10 September 2018, Fundamental transport processes at micro level.
- University of Melbourne, 5 December 2017, Innovative energy efficient food drying techniques.
- University of Sydney, 17 July 2017, Insight into food drying: resolving energy and quality issues.
Keynote speaker in influential conferences: Prof Karim has been invited to deliver many keynote speeches in outstanding international conferences. Some of the recent fully funded keynote speeches are listed below:
- 22nd International Drying Symposium, June 26-29, 2022, Worcester, USA (scheduled). CFD integrated modelling framework for designing Advanced Food Drying Process
- Bundaberg & Wide-Bay Bioeconomy Conference, 2-3 November Bundaberg, Australia, Nov 2, 2021. Engineering Solution and Velorisation of Agricultural Waste in Australia.
- IEOM Global Engineering Education Conference, University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 12 OCT 2021. How to ensure student success in project based learning (PBL)?.
- 10th Asia Pacific Drying Conference, December 14–17, 2019. Advanced intermittent microwave convective drying (IMCD) method to improve energy efficiency and food quality (accepted).
- World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Brisbane Australia, April 3, 2017, Intermittent Microwave Convective Drying for better Energy Efficiency and Food Quality.
Scientific committee member:
Prof Karim served as a scientific committee member in numerous conferences. A few recent examples are shown below:
- 22nd International Drying Symposium, June 26-29, 2022, Worcester, USA
- 18th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing. Sustainable Manufacturing for Global Circular Economy. October 5-7, 2022, Berlin, Germany.
- 16th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing. Sustainable Manufacturing for Global Circular Economy. October 2–4, 2018, Lexington Kentucky, USA.
- 15th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), 25–27 September 2017, Haifa, Israel
Reviewer of International grant programmes: Dr Karim is the regular reviewer of international grant proposals including proposals from Europe’s top funding bodies. Some examples are listed below:
- Australian Research Council (ARC)
- European Science Foundation Fellowship Application.
- Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research gran.
- National Science Centre, Poland.
- Type
- Editorial Role for an Academic Journal
- Reference year
- 2019
- Details
- Most important recognition of my international research leadership was demonstrated by my appointments editors and editorial board members of reputed journals. I am an Assistant Editor of Drying Technology Journal (Q1, IF=2.219) and editorial board member of 7 reputed journals including Nature Scientific Reports (Q1, IF=4.259) and International Journal of Food Properties (Q2, IF=1.845). I am also the founding Chief Editor of Energy and Food Processing journal. My leadership in editorial jobs can be understood from the comment of the group editor Professor Arun S Mujumdar about my edited book 'I must congratulate you on a really smooth editorial accomplishment. Despite some inevitable delays the project was done on time. Not easy to do' and later added 'In fact your book was smoother than most of mine'.
- Type
- Fellowships
- Reference year
- 2019
- Details
- I was successful in getting two highly competitive Fellowships from Queensland Government. 1. A$555,000 (including partner and QUT Cash), Microwave Assisted Solar Dryer, Advanced Queensland Fellowship (AQF) 2016-2019 (Sole CI) 2. A$220,000 (including partner and QUT Cash), Advanced Solar Drying System, Queensland Government smart future fellowship grant, 2012-2015 (Sole CI). Both fellowships have large amount of industry cash contribution. I was informed that I am the only academic who has been awarded both early career and mid-career fellowships. These fellowships demonstrates high impact and relevance of my research to Queensland Economy and local industry. One of my potential industry partner found 'life' in our research as they wrote: If the food industry is to take full advantage of drying as a means to add value to fresh produce it is facing three key problems of high energy consumption, longer drying times and product quality deterioration during food processing.
- Type
- International Collaboration
- Reference year
- 2019
- Details
- I have established effective and working collaborations with world¿s renowned academics and universities including 1. KU Leuven, Belgium 2. EMPA, Switzerland 3. Oxford University, 4. UQ, and 5. Sydney University. As continuation of successful collaboration, I have submitted a DP application with KU Leuven, Belgium and Sydney University as partners and working on an ARC Linkage with EMPA, Switzerland and UQ as partner University (I am the 1st CI in both). My international collaborations with other universities resulted in several international grants including A$ 290,000 (AED790,000) UAE University, UAE grant, A$60,000 PNG University of Technology Grant, A$80,000, Vietnam International Education Development (VIED) grant 2. A$20,000 (SR54,000), King Abdul Aziz University Grant, Saudi Arabia and. A$9000 (SR 25,000) grant from Saudi Arabia. Several other collaborations are underway.
- Type
- Keynote Speaker/Expert Panel Member/Invited Speaker for a Conference
- Reference year
- 2019
- Details
- I have been invited to deliver seminars on many reputed Universities around the world including in the countries Australia, USA, Italy, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Bangladesh. I have delivered more than 24 such distinguished/Keynote/Invited talks including in institutes like: 1. University of Melbourne 2. University of Sydney 3. KU Leuven, Belgium 4. EMPA, Switzerland 5. Oxford University. I was also invited to Lawrence Technical University, Detroit, USA, University of Parma, Italy, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia, Ecolo Centre Paris, United Arab Emirates University, Shahir University, Istanbul, Turkey, National University of Singapore, Central Queensland University, University of Malaya, Malaysia, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) (Top University in Bangladesh), Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), Bangladesh, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh. I was also keynote
- Type
- Other
- Reference year
- 2019
- Details
- Leadership in training HDR, visiting fellows, post-doctoral fellows, Honours and Masters Students: In my 11 years career at QUT, I trained about 200 undergraduate and postgraduate students by supervising real life industry oriented final year projects. I also trained 18 HDR students to completion, 3 visiting fellow and two post-doctoral fellows. They all are employed in local and international universities and industries. They all are the ambassadors of QUT and expanding the reputations of QUT. My training has great influence in their career build up as acknowledged by them. My former student, Dean Scholar and Kindler Medallist Bruce Fernando wrote- Dr Karim has provided excellent learning opportunities in a variety of capacities. Dr Karim succeeded in delivering excellent and relevant course materials to engineering students which was applicable in subsequent as well as in actual engineering applications in industry. Dr Karim demonstrates that he is an exemplary lecturer and academic.
- Karim, A. & Hawlader, M. (2005). Mathematical modelling and experimental investigation of tropical fruits drying. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48(23-24), 4914–4925. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/44416
- Karim, A. & Kazi Arif-Uz-Zaman, A. (2013). A methodology for effective implementation of lean strategies and its performance evaluation in manufacturing organizations. Business Process Management Journal, 19(1), 169–196. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/66159
- Joardder, M. & Karim, A. (2019). Development of a porosity prediction model based on shrinkage velocity and glass transition temperature. Drying Technology, 37(15), 1988–2004. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/124743
- Rahman, M., Kumar, C., Joardder, M. & Karim, A. (2018). A micro-level transport model for plant-based food materials during drying. Chemical Engineering Science, 187, 1–15. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/118242
- Rahman, M., Gu, Y. & Karim, A. (2018). Development of realistic food microstructure considering the structural heterogeneity of cells and intercellular space. Food Structure, 15, 9–16. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/115577
- Khan, M., Farrell, T., Anett Nagy, S. & Karim, A. (2018). Fundamental understanding of cellular water transport process in bio-food material during drying. Scientific Reports, 8, 1–12. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/122368
- Kumar, C., Joardder, M., Farrell, T. & Karim, A. (2018). Investigation of Intermittent Microwave Convective Drying (IMCD) of food materials by a coupled 3D electromagnetics and multiphase model. Drying Technology, 36(6), 736–750. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/109510
- Rahman, M., Joardder, M. & Karim, A. (2018). Non-destructive investigation of cellular level moisture distribution and morphological changes during drying of a plant-based food material. Biosystems Engineering, 169, 126–138. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/117264
- Karim, A., Abesinghe, A., Islam, N., Vidanarachchi, J., Prakash, S. & Silva, K. (2019). Effects of ultrasound on the fermentation profile of fermented milk products incorporated with lactic acid bacteria. International Dairy Journal, 90, 1–14. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/123340
- Al Owad, A., Samaranayake, P., Karim, A. & Ahsan, K. (2018). An integrated lean methodology for improving patient flow in an emergency department - case study of a Saudi Arabian hospital. Production Planning and Control, 29(13), 1058–1081. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/122157
- Investigation of Quality Changes During Intermittent Microwave Convective Drying of Fruits (2019)
- Development of a Lean Construction Framework for the Saudi Arabian Construction Industry (2018)
- Fundamental Understanding of Cellular Water Distribution and Transport in Plant-Based Food Material During Drying (2018)
- Microscale Modelling of Cellular Level Transport and Deformation during Food Drying (2018)
- A Study on Pore Formation and Evolution, and its Effect on Food Quality During Intermittent Microwave-Convective Drying (IMCD) (2016)
- Integrated Lean Six Sigma Approach for Patient Flow Improvement in Hospital Emergency Department (2016)
- Knowledge Discovery from Tree Databases using Balanced Optimal Search (2016)
- Modelling Intermittent Microwave Convective Drying (IMCD) of Food Materials (2015)
- Optical and Thermal Design of a Parabolic Trough Concentrating Photovoltaic/Thermal Solar Collector (2015)
- A Systematic Approach for Selecting Lean Strategies and Assessing Leanness in Manufacturing Organizations (2013)