Adel Mehrpooya is a PhD candidate in the School of Mathematical Sciences, Queensland
University of Technology (QUT). His research is financially supported by both the Centre for
Biomedical Technologies (CBT) and Max Planck Queensland Centre (MPQC). Adel earned his
Bachelor of Science degree in Pure Mathematics from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in July
2006, followed by a Master’s degree in Pure Mathematics (Geometry) from Shahid Bahonar
University of Kerman in July 2010.
Since 2010, Adel has served as a researcher at the Mahani Mathematical Research Center
(MMRC), Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, contributing to various pure and applied
research projects. From 2019 onwards, he has collaborated on projects between MMRC and the
Department of Computer Engineering at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
His current research at QUT focuses on tissue and biomedical engineering, with a specific
emphasis on mathematical models concerning signal propagation. This research finds
applications in the modeling of bone tissue and its remodeling processes. Adel’s academic
interests encompass biological modeling, artificial intelligence, data mining, uncertainty
quantification, and dynamical systems.